Editorial policy

General information

Founder of the Scientific peer-reviewed electronic journal for students and post-graduates “Humanitarian accent” (hereinafter – the Journal) is “Russian State University for the Humanities” (RSUH). It owns exclusive rights to the Journal.

The Journal was initiated by the RSUH Council of young scientists in view of connection with the future prospective research plans for students and post-graduates. The periodical electronic journal is issued on a quarterly basis. Journal issues are not repeated in content, have the same type issued numbered releases. The state registration is performed in the order established for electronic publications according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation and relevant standard legal documents.

The Journal’s activities are guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “About Mass Media” (in an edition. Federal laws of 25.12.2008 N 281-FZ, of 09.02.2009 N 10-FZ), the requirements of the Higher attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation that are applied to electronic publications included in the List of leading reviewed academic publications on the relevant codes of nomenclature of scientific specialities.

The author transfers to the Publisher the rights to the edition and distribution of the article. They confirm that they did not publish the article in other printed and (or) electronic editions, except for the publication of the article in the form of Preprint, and undertake not to publish the article in other printed and (or) electronic media before issuing the article in this journal and not to use for commercial purposes and in other editions the digital paste-up of the article prepared by the Publisher without the consent of the Publisher.

Our goals

The goal of the Journal is to publish original articles of the RSUH students and postgraduates. The publication is interdisciplinary in nature and combines research, information and educational purposes.

Target audience and potential participants are students, graduate students and lecturers. The publication is also aimed at experts profiled in the areas of knowledge that are relevant to the thematic headings. The thematic principle of issues is focused on the research support in various fields of humanities such as history, philology, political science, cultural studies, sociology and others.

Our tasks

The journal reflects the results of research, scientific, practical and experimental activities of RSUH students and post-graduates . Moreover, the Journal:

The order of publication and distribution

The Journal issues are available online in free access. The fee for the publication of articles is not charged from the authors.