Author Guide

Publication Ethics

The journal is guided by the regulations of an ethical conduct in science supported by the International Committee on publication ethics (COPE) and relies on the experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses.

The journal serves as a platform for scientific communications of students, graduate students and representatives of the academic community. All parties involved in the publication process bear responsibility for observance of modern requirements for scientific work.

Authors’ Duties

Authorship of work. The author is the person who has developed and performed a research and has formulated the results in the submitted manuscript. Co-authors are the persons who were participating in the research process and producing the statement of results. Those who took part in some essential aspects of the research project should be included in the list of participants of the project. The names of the co-authors and participants of the project should be placed on the list. All co-authors have to be acquainted with the final version of the paper and give their consent to its publication.

Information disclosure and conflicts of interests. The authors are obliged to disclose in the papers the information that can become a basis for a conflict of interests, influence on the results of the work done and its findings. All sources of financial support of the project should be disclosed.

Originality and plagiarism. Authors should submit an original, credible and objective study. Plagiarism in any form is unethical and unacceptable. When using works of other authors one must give bibliographic references to the papers used and follow the rules of citing. Authors should cite publications that mattered for the completion of the research presented.

The Repeated and competing publications. The submission of the same paper in more than one journal simultaneously is viewed as unethical behavior. The author should not offer for publication an earlier published paper. The publication of a certain type of articles, for example, translations, can be acted out in case if the authors and editors concerned have expressed their consent to the secondary publication containing the same information as in the initially performed work.

Essential mistakes in the works submitted for publication. If the editors have the information that the work contains essential mistakes, the author may refuse publishing the work or correct the mistakes as soon as possible.

Editors’ Duties

The decision to publish. The final decision on the publication of a scholar paper is made by the editor-in-chief of the Journal. The principle of scientific objectivity and originality is the cornerstone of the conclusion about the publication. The editorial Board bears the full responsibility for the decision to publish the paper. In taking the decision on the publication the editorial Board relies on the opinions of the reviewers and introduces the experts’ opinions. The editor refuses to review the paper personally in case of some conflict of interest. In this case, the final decision is delegated to the members of the editorial Board.

Confidentiality. The editor and the editorial Board disclose the information on the accepted paper before its publishing to authors, reviewers, academic advisers only. Information and the ideas obtained in the course of reviewing or editing the paper remain confidential and are not used.

Resolution of conflicts. The editor takes the reasoned answer-back measures in case of ethical claims to the papers or publications.

Procedures for external peer review

A single-blind peer review method is mandatory for processing of scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial stuff of the Journal. This implies that the reviewer is aware of the authorship of the mauscript, but the author not maintains any contact with the reviewer.

Members of the editorial board and leading expets in corresponding areas of sciences perform peer reviews. Editor-in-chief choose editor for peer review. We aim to limit the review process to 2 weeks, though in some cases the schedule may be adjusted at the reviewer’s request.

Reviewer has an option to abnegate the assessment should any conflict of interests arise that may affect perception or interpretation of the manuscript. Upon the scrutiny, the reviewer is expected to present the editorial board with one of the following recommendations:

If the reviewer has recommended any refinements, the editorial staff would suggest the author either to implement the corrections, or to dispute them reasonably.

If author and reviewers meet insoluble contradictions regarding revision of the manuscript, the editor-in-chief resolves the conflict by his own authority.

The editorial board reaches final decision to reject a manuscript on the hearing according to reviewers’ recommendations, and duly notifies the authors of their decision via e-mail. The board does not accept previously rejected manuscripts for re-evaluation.

Upon the decision to accept the manuscript for publishing, the editorial staff notifies the authors of the scheduled date of publication.

Original reviews of submitted manuscripts remain deposited for 5 years.

Reviewers’ duties

Reviewing is an effective tool for establishing scientific communication. The reviewer, as one of the parties involved in the publication process, follows the rules of publication ethics. The reviewer reasons their opinion and represents an objective assessment of the article.

Any paper submitted for reviewing shall be treated as a confidential document and can not be shown to other parties without prior agreement with the editor-in-chief.

Procedures for the article preparation

We suggest the basic procedures for the article executing shall be studied prior to submitting the article to publication.

1. Page settings

2. The format of the main text

3. Appearance of the article

Name and Surname of the author (12 point, alignment on the right margin). The data about the author are not specified.

3.1. Leave a blank line below the author’s name and write the title of the paper (12 PT, alignment on the center, capital letters).

3.2. Leave a blank line after the title, then write the abstract in Russian, the volume not to exceed 700 characters with spaces (10 PT, the Arial font, alignment on width).

3.3. Leave one blank line after the abstract and provide key words in Russian (5-7) (10 PT, the Arial font, alignment on width). The phrase “Key words” is italicized.

3.4. Leave one blank line after the key words then write the main article text.

For example:

4. Requirements for the text layout.

4.1. Contractions. Contractions are arranged according to GOST R 7.0.12–2011 “System of standards on information and publishing. Bibliographic record. Contracting words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules”. URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/gost-r-7-0-12-2011.

5. Endnotes

The set of endnote bibliographic references and comments is arranged as a list of the records placed after the main text of the article. Leave a blank line after the main text of the article. Then put the heading of the section “Endnotes” (the 12 PT, alignment on the right edge).

5.1. Appearance of the trailer footnotes

Two or more sources in one footnote are separated by semicolons.

Footnotes are made according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules”. URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/gost-r-7-0-5-2008.

5.2. Basic rules for the formatting footnotes arranging

The first reference to any publication is a bibliographic description that includes the following items:

authors/authors in the italics in a format the Surname of I.O.;

Also the editor, the translator, etc. and a series are specified in case of need. The dividing sign a point (.) is put between the areas of the description.

For example:


1 Хайдеггер М. Время и бытие. М.: Республика, 1993. С. 115.

2 Федосюк Ю.А. Что непонятно у классиков, или Энциклопедия русского быта XIX века. М.: Наука, 2002. С. 164.

3 Дарвин М.Н., Тюпа В.И. Циклизация в творчестве Пушкина: Опыт изучения поэтики конвергентного сознания. Новосибирск: Наука, 2001. С. 93–94.

4 Слово о полку Игореве / Вступ. ст. Д.С. Лихачева. М.: Художественная литература, 1983. (Классики и современники. Поэтическая библиотека.) С. 56.

5 Калевала: Карело-финский народный эпос / Пер. Л.П. Бельский. Петрозаводск: Карелия, 1989. С. 193.

6 Бунин И.А. Темные аллеи // Бунин И.А. Собр. cоч.: В 5 т. М.: Правда, 1956. Т. 4. С. 307–310.

7 Гуревич А.М. «Евгений Онегин»: авторская позиция и художественный метод // Известия АН СССР. Серия литературы и языка. 1987. Т. 46. № 1. С. 7.

8 Putham H. Mind, language and reality. Cambridge: Cambridge university. press, 1979. P. 12.

9 Lukács G. The theory of the novel. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1994. P. 34.

Objects for bibliographic references can also be electronic resources both of local and remote access. Links are formed on electronic resources in general (electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, forums, etc.), and the component parts of the electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, websites, web pages, publications in electronic serial issues, forum messages/posts, etc.).

For example:


1 Hausmann R. The Economics of Inclusion [Электронный ресурс] // Project Syndicate. URL: http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/inclusiveness-key-strategy-for-growth-by-ricardo-hausman... (дата обращения: 15.12.2014).

Mechaber E. President Obama Urges FCC to Implement Stronger Net Neutrality Rules [Электронный ресурс] // The White House. URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/11/10/president-obama-urges-fcc-implement-stronger-net-neutralit... (дата обращения 21.11.2014).

At a consecutive arrangement of primary and repeated references the text of the repeated reference is replaced with the words “In the Same Place” or “Ibid.” (for documents in languages drawn on Latin graphics). The page number should be added to the re-link to another page after the words “In the Same Place” or “Ibid.”. In the repeated reference to another volume (part, release, etc.) of the document the volume number should be added to the words “In the Same Place” or “Ibid.”.

For example:


1 Лирика: генезис и эволюция / Сост. И.Г. Матюшина, С.Ю. Неклюдов. М.: РГГУ, 2007. С. 271.

2 Там же. С. 193.

3 Там же.

4 Lukacs G. The theory of the novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. P. 34.

5 Ibid. P. 88.

6 Ibid.

Identify the author (authors), in the recurrent references, containing record of the same document, following the primary reference (for documents in languages that base on Latin graphics) and the main title and the following duplicate items are replaced by the words “Op. cit.”. Page number should be added to the words “Op. cit.” in the re-link. In the repeated reference to another volume (part, issue, etc.) of the document the volume number should be added to the words “Op. cit.”.

For example:


1 Серман И.З. Михаил Лермонтов: Жизнь в литературе: 1836–1841. 2-е изд. М.: РГГУ, 2003. С. 28.

2 Иваницкий А.И. Гоголь: Морфология земли и власти. М.: РГГУ, 2000. С. 46.

3 Толстая Е. Поэтика раздражения: Чехов в конце 1880 – начале 1890-х годов. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: РГГУ, 2002. 336 с.

4 Putham H. Mind, language and reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. P. 12.

5 Иваницкий А.И. Указ. соч. С. 78.

6 Putham H. Op. cit. P. 15.

7 Серман И.З. Указ. соч. С. 110.

In case of references to several papers of one author or to the book of no authors, the title of the paper is specified every time.

For example:


1 Серман И.З. Михаил Лермонтов: Жизнь в литературе: 1836–1841. 2-е изд. М.: РГГУ, 2003. С. 28.

2 Лирика: генезис и эволюция / Сост. И.Г. Матюшина, С.Ю. Неклюдов. М.: РГГУ, 2007. С. 271.

3 Серман И.З. Литературное дело Карамзина. М.: РГГУ, 2005. С. 57.

4 Матюшина И.Г. Поэтика рыцарской саги. М.: РГГУ, 2002. С. 10.

5 Серман И.З. Литературное дело Карамзина. С. 87.

6 Лирика: генезис и эволюция… С. 67.

Если ссылка на какое-либо издание, содержание которого анализируется на протяжении всей статьи, встречается в тексте многократно, то в примечаниях при первой ссылке на это издание пишется, что в дальнейшем номера страниц будут указываться в основном тексте.



1 Исторический фольклор эвенков: Сказания и предания / сост., пер. и ком. Г.М. Василевич. М.; Л.: Наука, 1966. С. 36. В дальнейшем ссылки на это издание даются в тексте с указанием номера страницы.

После этого в тексте работы:

Этот фольклорный мотив встречается в тексте «Захребетные жители» [С. 316], кроме того, его можно обнаружить в предании «Женщина и чангит» [С. 321].

Если текст цитируется не по первоисточнику, то ссылку следует начинать со слов «Цит. по» или «Cit. ex.», затем ставится двоеточие.



1 Цит. по: Теоретическая поэтика: Понятия и определения: хрестоматия для студентов / авт.-сост. Н.Д. Тамарченко. М.: РГГУ, 2001. С. 252.