Rivalry in Russian – three cases of morphosyntactic variation in modern Russian

14 мая состоялся доклад "Rivalry in Russian – three cases of morphosyntactic variation in modern Russian"

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Продолжает работу Открытый научный семинар Института лингвистики.

Двадцать первое заседание семинара состоялось в четверг 14 мая 2015 года.

С докладом "Rivalry in Russian – three cases of morphosyntactic variation in modern Russian" выступил профессор Университета Тромсё (Арктический университет Норвегии) Туре Нессет.

Very often grammars provide speakers with rival forms – two or more forms that appear to have the same function. Russian is no exception, and in this talk I will explore three cases of rivalry in Russian: (i) “suffix shift” – the variation involving verb forms like kapljut and kapajut from kapat’ ‘drip’, (ii) so-called inchoative verbs displaying rival forms with and without –nu (svet gasnul vs. svet gas), and (iii) the variation between object in accusative and genitive in verbs such as bojat’sja ‘fear’ (bojat’sja zenu vs. bojat’sja zeny). It will be argued that large-scale corpus studies and quantitative analysis can provide new insights about morphosyntactic variation in Russian, but also that Russian rivalry sheds new light on important theoretical questions such as the nature of inflectional paradigms.