Adjuncts, Conjuncts, Ojuncts: Deriving Strong Island Constraint

14 декабря состоялся доклад "Adjuncts, Conjuncts, Ojuncts: Deriving Strong Island Constraint"

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Продолжает работу Открытый научный семинар Института лингвистики.

Двадцать седьмое заседание семинара состоялось в понедельник, 14 декабря 2015 года в 17:30 в ауд. 526а (главный корпус РГГУ, ул. Чаянова, д. 15).

С докладом "Adjuncts, Conjuncts, Ojuncts: Deriving Strong Island Constraints" выступит доцент Университета Стоуни-Брук (штат Нью-Йорк, США) Томас Граф.

Adjuncts differ from arguments by a number of properties, in particular i) optionality and ii) their island status, which renders them opaque for extraction of subconstituents. Conjuncts, too, are optional and forbid extraction. Starting from this basic observation, I demonstrate that islandhood is a direct consequence of optionality in every framework where extraction involves some dependency at the target site, for instance via feature checking. Given current generative assumptions about movement, it is thus unsurprising that optional constituents — which I call ojuncts — are islands.