Конференция «Проект-2006»

Конференция «Проект-2006»

29 марта в РГГУ прошла конференция «Проект-2006», организованная кафедрой английского языка под руководством заведующей кафедрой И.В. Петровой.


Конференция «Проект-2006»

29 марта в РГГУ прошла  конференция «Проект-2006», организованная  кафедрой английского языка под руководством заведующей кафедрой  И.В. Петровой.

Проект был осуществлен совместно со студентами Американского Университета. Координаторами проекта были: Г.И. Драгунова, О.Б. Мазурина.

Конференция «Проект-2006»

На конференции были представлены проекты студентов факультета Психологии, выполненные под руководством преподавателей английского языка Г.В. Бочаровой, Е.В. Никошковой, З.В. Печкуровой, М.Г. Степановой;  факультета Управления под руководством А.Л. Семенова, О.Е. Семеновой,  Г.И. Драгуновой; факультета Философии под руководством О.Б. Мазуриной, факультета Защиты Информации, выполненные под руководством  Л.И. Газарян и Р.Ж. Овсепян.

Конференция «Проект-2006»

В презентации принимало участие 9 рефератов. 1 место жюри под руководством  старшего преподавателя  кафедры английского языка С.В. Ляляева присудило  реферату, представленному студентами 2 курса факультета Управления  - Д. Буниной, Т. Евстигнеевой,  И. Кувалдиной, Е. Метляевой, Е. Петровой, Л. Хабибулаевой. Тема реферата: «Как получить работу». 2 место получил реферат, выполненный студентами 3 курса факультета Психологии – А. Хусид и Е. Новорадовской, руководитель - доцент З.В. Печкурова. 3 место жюри присудило реферату студента 1 курса факультета Философии Е. Слесарева, руководитель  - доцент О.Б. Мазурина. Тема реферата: «Музыка 2-й половины 20 века». Последний реферат завершился исполнением песни под гитару автором проекта. 

Конференция «Проект-2006»

Кандидат психологических наук, доцент Института психологии им. Л.С. Выготского В.В. Шаталина отметила высокий уровень подготовки проектов, выполненных студентами факультета Психологии. Приз зрительских симпатий получил реферат, посвященный исследованию туристических маршрутов г. Дмитрова, выполненный студентом 2 курса факультета Управления Поспеловым Иваном под руководством доцента А.Л. Семенова.  Все проекты защищались на английском языке.


Тезисы реферата «Как получить работу»:

   Bunina Diana
   Khabibulaeva Leila
   Kuvaldina Irina
   Metlyaeva Elena
   Petrova Ekaterina

2 course students of management department

Tutor: Dragunova G.I

Wanna get job? Ready? Steady? Go!

If you do not have a substantial account in bank, and you can not live on percents from your capital, we’re sure that you need a job, and better a good one. That’s why our project “Wanna get job? Ready? Steady? Go!” can draw attention of many people. Our aim consists in explaining how to look for a good job, how to make up right resume and cover letter, how to prepare to the interview.  We've put together some useful information and practical pieces of advice that just might help you.

                              Our project includes several sections:


What is a good job?

    What kind of job would satisfy people (according to the public survey)?  The opinions are divided! People consider this is a decent salary (58%), desirable job (36%), ability to build a good career (11%), friendly co-workers and good relations (10%),  good working conditions (4%), helpful (3%), not hard (1%), stable (1%), prestigious work (1%).


2. Job search

    10 steps to win in job search:

 – Firstly, job Search is sales. You have a commodity to sell – YOURSELF.
    – Then Job Search has a defined process. There is a beginning (assessment and planning), a middle (implementation, job search and interviewing) and an end (negotiations and final offer). 
    – What's important - Know “who” you are! Develop a clear picture of the “professional you” as a baseline to guide you.
    – Define your objectives and determine “how” you want to be perceived.
    – Write a performance-based resume. Success sells. So say scream about your wins!
    – Never underestimate the value of your cover letter.
    – If your resume does not contain the “right” language and key words, you’ll never get past the gatekeeper.
    – The interview is the final stage in the sales process. You’re there to present the product, negotiate the deal and close the sale. Go to each interview with confidence and strength.
Ways to find a job:

Simplest and lying on a surface way to find a job is turning to the friends. Another way to find a job is to use information on vacancies offered in specialized editions. One can find a job by sending resume by fax. One more way to find a job is to apply to a personnel (recruiting) agency.


3.  Resume and Curriculum  V itae.

   Resume is your visiting card. It gets to the employer first and participates in formation of impression about you: what man made the summary? Accurate or not, hurried or scrupulous, reserved or frank, does he know grammar etc.? So, summary is a tool which helps you to influence an employer long before the direct contact with him and it is important to make it so that it influences the way you need.

            We offer you to make up a resume of the following items:
  – Purpose
  – Personal data
  – Education
  – Professional experience
  – Additional data
  Avoid sins of commission and of omission, three- and four-page resumes, blather, disorder.

There are other errors to avoid, but these are some of the worst and most common.

A professional, much longer résumé is called a curriculum vita (CV) from the Latin meaning "course of one's life." - Résumés with more detail and a considerable amount of personal information.




4. Cover Letter
Always remember to include a covering letter, which is relevant to the job. Don't repeat your CV, instead try to incorporate key words from the job ad into your covering letter. The cover letter can be as important as the CV in that it often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer.



5.   The Interview

The Interview Success Plan is a step-by-step plan that helps you:

Identify the requirements of the job that you're interviewing for.
Review interview questions and identify the question you'll most likely be asked.
Build a series of practice job interviews
Develop answers for both expected and unexpected interview questions
Highlights the keys to interview success.
First Impressions Matter
“See no evil, smell no evil, hear no evil” is a good adaptation of the traditional three-monkey saying to keep in mind as you prepare to meet someone for the first time. A successful image attracts greater success.


Body Language

People tend to make up their mind about someone in the very first minutes of a meeting, before a single word is spoken. And once that impression is made, it is almost impossible to change. A huge component of this is body language - a person’s posture and gestures. So when you meet someone for the first time, particularly someone whose good opinion is important for your career, it is vital you understand what your body language says about you.

6.   Employment agreement

Employment Contracts or Agreements are generally a good idea for both employer and employee. An employment agreement is a written agreement that specifies the terms between the employer and the employee.