Благодарность РГГУ от Генерального директора ЮНЕСКО Коитиро Мацууры

Благодарность РГГУ от Генерального директора ЮНЕСКО Коитиро Мацууры

Благодарность РГГУ от Генерального директора ЮНЕСКО Коитиро Мацууры за участие в организации мероприятий в рамках его визита в РФ.


Благодарность РГГУ от Генерального директора ЮНЕСКО Коитиро Мацууры

Dear Mr Pivovar,

It was a great pleasure to make your acquaintance on the occasion of the presentation of the second collection of my speeches in Russian during my recent official visit to your country.

Upon my return to Paris, I wished to tell you how pleased I was to be awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Russian State University for the Humanities, and should be most grateful if you would convey my thanks to the distinguished members of the Scientific Board of the University who took the decision to honour me in this way.

Much encouraged by the prospects of further strengthening the excellent cooperation between UNESCO and your University, and with renewed thanks, I remain,

Yours sincerely,   Koichiro Matsuura