Professor Natalia Basovskaya, Co-Director (RSUH)
Professor David Fishman, Co-Director (JTSA)
Mark Kupovetsky, Executive Director
Dr. Maria Kaspina, Assistant Executive Director for Research Affairs
Dr. Natalya Kireeva, Education and Methods Supervisor, Assistant Executive Director for Academic Affairs
Core faculty:
Dr. Galina Eliasberg, CBJS graduate of 1996. Courses in Yiddish Literature, Drama and Literary Criticism, special courses in Research Paper Writing.
Dr. Galina Zelenina. Courses in Medieval and Modern Jewish History, Jewish Historiography, Jewish Medieval Gender History.
Dr. Maria Kaspina, CBJS graduate of 1998. Courses in Rabbinic Literature, Jewish Bible, Jewish Folklore and Ethnography.
Dr. Natalya Kireeva, CBJS graduate of 2006. Courses in the History of Judaism, the Literature of the Apocrypha and Qumran.
Leonid Dreyer. Teacher of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, Modern Hebrew.
Mark Kupovetsky. Courses on the History of Jews in Eastern Europe, Russian and Soviet Jewish History, Ethnic History of the Jews, Jewish Identity.
Prof. Leonid Katsis. Courses in Introduction to Jewish Civilization, History of Anti-Semitism, courses in Russian-Jewish Culture.
Sergei Filippov. Teacher of Modern Hebrew.
Sofya Kopelyan, CBJS graduate of 2004. Courses in Jewish Philosophy and Jewish Biblical Exegesis, Jewish Religious Practice.
Tugushi Galina. Teacher of Modern Hebrew.
The Center also invites part-time lecturers from FSU and visiting scholars from abroad.