VESTNIK RGGU Seriya “Informatica. Informacionnaya bezopasnost. Matematica”

RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN.    “Information Science. Information Security. Mathematics” Series

Academic Journal

There are 4 issues of the printed version of the journal a year.

Founder and Publisher

Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH)

RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN. “Information Science. Information Security. Mathematics”

series is included: in the Russian Science Citation Index.

Peer-reviewed publications fall within the following research area:

2.3.8. Informatics and information processes

2.3.6. Information security methods and systems, information security

1.1.6. Computational Mathematics

Objectives and areas of research

RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN. “Information Science. Information Security. Mathematics” series publishes the results of research by scientists from RSUH and other universities and other Russian and foreign academic institutions. The areas covered by contributions include theoretical and applied computer science, up-to-date IT, means and technologies of information protection and information security as well as the issues of theoretical and applied mathematics including analytical and imitation models of different processes and objects. Special emphasis is put on articles and reviews covering research in indicated directions in the areas of social and humanitarian problems and also issues of personnel training for these directions.

RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN. “Information Science. Information Security. Mathematics” series is registered by Federal Service for Supervision of Communications Information Technology and Mass Media. 25.05.2018, reg. No. FS77-72977

Editorial staff office: 6, Miusskaya sq., Moscow, Russia, 125047

e-mail: grnat@rambler.ru