В заседании приняли участие студенты факультета международных отношений, политологии и зарубежного регионоведения групп канд. пед. наук, доцента Татьяны Барановой и старшего преподавателя Елены Гурьяновой по направлению подготовки «Международные отношения», направленность «Ближневосточные исследования» (4 курс).
Основной задачей семинара является развитие у студентов навыков участия в индивидуальных и коллективных учебно-научных исследованиях, формирование представления о теории и практике научного дискурса; пробуждение интереса студентов к научному исследованию; стимулирование самообразования студентов; формирование форм научной коммуникации.
Участники семинара продолжили разрабатывать выбранную ими научную тематику, сферой интересов студентов стали проблемы, находящиеся на стыке таких наук, как лингвистика, методика преподавания иностранных языков, политология, психология, педагогика, история, также прошло обсуждение политического и новостного дискурса. Были представлены выступления, например, на следующие темы:
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is one of the most dynamically developing international security structures at present. One of its most important goals is to counter terrorism and extremism on the territory of its member countries. In an era of heightened terrorist danger associated with increased religious, ethnic and social radicalization, the united efforts of Eurasian states are essential to ensure stability and security on the continent.
History of the establishment and evolution of OPEC, key stages of the organisation's development and membership. The actions of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) have far-reaching consequences, not only on the global oil market but also on the international economic and political landscape. Understanding the history, evolution, and impact of OPEC is crucial for anyone seeking to comprehend the complexities of the global energy system.
Political and economic status of Iran as a member of BRICS+. The report is devoted to the study of the political and economic situation of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a member of the BRICS interregional association. The relations of BRICS countries since its formation have been based on the principles of mutual respect and understanding, sovereign equality, openness, democracy, solidarity, inclusiveness, strengthening cooperation and consensus.
Memoirs and diaries of diplomats as a historical source on the example of the writings of G. Kennan. George Frost Kennan (1904-2005) was an American diplomat, ambassador to the USSR, who carried out his diplomatic career in the field of Soviet-American relations in the period from the eve to the end of World War II, his activities peaked during the Cold War. He was actively involved in the development of the US foreign policy, while holding the position of head of the State Department.
Modern Tendencies in Digital English Learning. The digital revolution has fundamentally transformed the way English is taught and learned across the globe. In recent years, the proliferation of technology, the internet, and mobile devices has led to an evolution in learning methodologies, making English learning more flexible, accessible, and personalized. This report explores the key modern tendencies in digital English learning, emphasizing the role of emerging technologies and pedagogical innovations.
Представленная в докладах тематика вызвала большой интерес, участники семинара выразили удовлетворение дискуссиями, а также подтвердили намерение продолжить свои научные исследования.