Efim I. Pivovar
Efim I. Pivovar

Efim I. Pivovar

Мember of the Academic Council of RSUH, Professor, Director of the Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies

Academic degree
Doctor hab. in History, Associate Professor

State awards, honors, recognitions

  • 2006 - badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation"
  • 2010 – medal Pro Cultura Hungarica for a major contribution to the development of Hungarian-Russian cultural and academic relations
  • 2010 - Order of Friendship for a great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation of nations and nationalities, high achievements in the development of the economic and scientific potential of Russia, for especially fruitful activities in bringing together cultures of nations and nationalities, strengthening peace and friendly relations between states
  • 2010 - commendation from the President of the Russian Federation for active participation in the preparation and conduct of events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, work on social support for veterans and patriotic education of youth
  • 2011 - recipient of the 2011 State Prize in the field of education for a contribution to the development of the national education system.
  • 2012 - recipient of the Heydar Aliyev Prize for significant contribution to the strengthening and development of friendly and good-neighborly relations between Russia and Azerbaijan.
  • 2018 - Order of Honor


Born December 15, 1949 in Moscow.

  • 1956–1966 - secondary school 1150 in Moscow.
  • 1966–1971 - student at the Faculty of History, Moscow State University
  • 1971-1973 - graduate student at the Institute of History of the USSR, Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
  • 1973-1986 - head of the sections “History of the USSR abroad”, “Historiography, source study, methods of historical research” of the journal “History of the USSR”
  • 1986-1997 - Moscow State Institute for History and Archives (from 1991 - Russian State University for the Humanities), senior lecturer, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Archival Affairs (1986-1990), Vice-Rector for Research (1990-1993), Chair of the Department of Russian History of Modern Times (1989-1997)
  • 1997-2005 - Faculty of History, Moscow State University, professor, Director of the Center for Theoretical Problems of Historical Research (from 1997), Deputy Dean for Educational Methodology (from 1999), Chair of the Department of History of post-Soviet Countries (2004 to the present).
  • 2006 - 2016 - Rector of RSUH

Academic and educational activity

  • Chairman of the Board of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists
  • Chairman of the Council for History and member of the Academic Council of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements
  • Chairman of the Methodological Council of Universities of the Russian Federation in the field of historical archival studies,
  • Chairman of dissertation committees on historical sciences
  • Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Association of Ukrainianists
  • Chairman of the Board of the Friendship Society with Azerbaijan
  • Member of the Board of the Academic Educational Association of Humanitarian Knowledge
  • co-Chair of the Public Council for the Humanities under the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technology (2007)
  • co-Сhair of the Methodological Council of the Universities of the Russian Federation on education in the field of applied computer science
  • co-Chair (the Russian side) of the Commission of Historians and Archivists of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic
  • co-Chair (the Russian side) of the Coordinating Council of the Association of Partner Universities of Russia and Ukraine
  • Deputy Chair of the Academic and Methodological Council for History at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  • Deputy Chair of the Association of School Teachers of History and Social Studies
  • Member of the Presidential Council for Science, Technology and Education (2010 - 2011)
  • Member of the Expert Council of the Committee of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for CIS Affairs
  • Member of the Presidium of the Teaching Association for Classical University Education in Russia
  • Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia (2012)
  • Member of the Council and Board of the Russian Rectors’ Union (2009)
  • Member of the Presidium of the Council of Rectors of Moscow and the Moscow Region Universities (2009)
  • Member of Academic Councils of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History,
  • Member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society
  • Member of the Expert Commission for the Implementation of Innovative Developments, Original Programs, Teaching Methods in the Field of Education, Creation of Training Technologies for the Effectiveness of Educational Process
  • Member of the dissertation council on historical sciences (Moscow State University)
  • Honorary member of the Society of Historians of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Area of expertise

Social history of Russia (20th cent.), historiography, source studies, methods of historical research, history of post-Soviet countries, integration processes in the post-Soviet space, history of Russian emigration.

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