Alexander Bezborodov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of History of Modern Russia
History of the USSR, including the history of Perestroika, history of modern Russia, history of the military-industrial complex of the USSR
Dmitry Belyaev
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Knorozov Mesoamerican Center
Mayan writing, Mesoamerican archeology, formation and development of political structures in Mesoamerica
Evgenia Dolgova
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Knorozov Mesoamerican Center, Director of the Center for the History of Science and Scientific and Technological Development of Russia
History and theory of science, Soviet academic community, theory, methodology and practice of interdisciplinary and polydisciplinary research
Valery Durnovtsev
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of Source Studies
Source studies, environmental history of Russia
Galina Ershova
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Knorozov Mesoamerican Center
History of pre-Columbian civilizations of America, Mayan civilization, anthroposystem theory, sacred geography, origin and forms of religious consciousness
Alexei Kilichenkov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Modern Russian History
History of the Great Patriotic War
Oksana Kiyanskaya
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
History of Russian journalism, history and ideas of the Decembrists
Sergei Kondratenko
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Modern Russian History
History of the Great Patriotic War
Mikhail Larin
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of Automated Systems of Document Support for Management
Document management, information management, archival studies, electronic documents
Pavel Lebedev
PhD in Historical Sciences, Chair of the Department of General History
History of early Christianity, history of ancient Rome
Evgeny Pchelov
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of Auxiliary Historical Disciplines and Archeography
History of Ancient Rus, paleography and history of writing, historical chronology, heraldry, genealogy, emblem studies, symbolics, onomastics, historical geography, phaleristics, numismatics
Filipp Taratorkin
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Archive and Document Studies
History of Russian Orthodox Church, history of historical science
Andrei Usachev
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
History of Russian Orthodox Church, medieval book culture
Tatyana Khorkhordina
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of History and Organization of Archival Affairs
History and organization of archival affairs in Russia and abroad, history of Russian Orthodox Church
Andrei Yurganov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of History of Russia in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
Russian medieval culture
Dmitry Bak
PhD in Philology, Chair of the Department of History of Modern Russian Literature
Modern Russian literature
Evgeniya Basovskaya
Doctor of Philology, Chair of the Department of Media Speech
Media speech, speech influence techniques, linguo-ecology
Yuri Bit-Yunan
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Literary Criticism
History of Soviet literature and journalism
Yana Kanevskaya
PhD in Philology, Professor of the Department of Media Speech
Language of modern mass media, pragmatics of media text, speech influence
Tatiana Kovalevskaya
Doctor of Philology, Chair of the Department of European Languages
Translation and interpreting studies, English philology
Anatoly Korchinsky
PhD in Philology, Chair of the Department of History and Theory of Humanities
Modern humanities, history of ideas in Russia
Maksim Krongauz
Doctor of Philology, Director of the Laboratory of Sociolinguistics
Modern Russian language, Russian language on the Internet
Sergei Neklyudov
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Center of Typology and Semiotics of Folklore
Semiotics and typology of folklore, modern urban folklore, Mongolian mythology and folklore studies
Margarita Odesskaya
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language Department
Works of Chekhov, Turgenev; classical Russian literature
Mikhail Odessky
Doctor of Philology, Chair of the Department of Literary Criticism
Culture and literature of Ancient Rus', Soviet literature and culture, folklore origins of literature, textual criticism, history and theory of Russian drama
Natalia Reingold
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation
Translation and interpreting studies, English philology
Yakov Testelets
Doctor of Philology, Director of the Institute of Linguistics
Caucasian languages, linguistic typology
Valery Tyupa
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Historical Poetics
Theory of literature, theory of communication and discourse analysis
David Feldman
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Literary Criticism
History of Soviet literature and journalism
Irina Fufaeva
PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Sociolinguistics
Modern Russian language, feminitives, diminutives
Olga Khristoforova
Doctor of Philology, Director of the Center of Typology and Semiotics of Folklore
Folklore studies, visual anthropology, mythology, demonology, rituals and ritualized behavior
Igor Shaitanov
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Comparative Literature Studies
Shakespeare studies, comparative studies in literature
Igor Sharonov
Doctor of Philology, Chair of the Department of Russian Language
Modern Russian language
Alan Abaev
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Advertising and PR
Marketing, innovative economics, marketing research, territorial branding, strategic marketing
Victoria Volkova
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chair of the Department of Media Communications
Pedagogy and psychology of higher education, media communications, image-making
Elena Dzyakovich
Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Public Relations
Territorial development, geo-branding, everyday and festive culture
Andrei Ilyin
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Management
National economy, entrepreneurship, project management, state and municipal administration, corporate management, sports management and marketing
Irina Klyuchevskaya
PhD in Economic Sciences, Professor, Chair of the educational program "Hotel Business", Deputy Dean for Research (Faculty of Oriental and Socio-Communicative Studies)
Marketing and personnel management of hotels, the features of promotion, branding, personnel technology of accommodation facilities
Sergei Klyagin
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chair of the Department of Theory and Practice of Public Relations
Methodology and strategies of social and humanitarian education, futurology of the communication industry
Igor Malinin
Lecturer (Department of Theory and Practice of Public Relations). Founder of the advertising holding “The Business Pill”, winner of the Runet Prize
Marketing, branding, economics of innovation, logistics, industrial economics
Anton Mosalev
PhD in Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Public Relations, Tourism and Hospitality, Head of the Bachelor programs "Tourism", "Service", Master program "Tourism"
Creative industries, statistical analysis of tourism, state regulation of tourism, behavioral economics in tourism, system analysis and modeling of trends in tourism, quality standards in the service sector, public procurement
Vladimir Sekerin
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chair of the Department of Branding and Visual Communications
Marketing, branding, innovation economics, logistics, industrial economics
Natalia Sopilko
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Economics
International economic integration, development of regional integration in the Eurasian space, international production ties, sustainable development processes
Roman Torgashev
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration
Political geography, area studies, environmental management and territorial development, strategic management, urban studies and geo-ecology, tourism and recreation
Sergei Boyko
PhD in political science, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science
Modern political parties and movements
Tamara Guzenkova
Doctor of Historical Science, Professor of the Department of Foreign Area Studies and Foreign Policy
International security, Russia's foreign policy in the post-Soviet space
Sergei Dontsev
PhD in Political Science, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science
State-confessional relations, politics and religion
Arbakhan Magomedov
Doctor of Historical Science, professor of the Department of Foreign Area Studies and Foreign Policy
Arctic policy and geopolitics, energy diplomacy, new Muslim geography of Russia and new coordinates of Islamic studies
Olga Pavlenko
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Chair of the Department of Foreign Area Studies and Foreign Policy
Modern foreign policy of Russia, relations between Russia and European countries, history of international relations and foreign policy of Russia, countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Lyudmila Pechishcheva
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Area Studies and Foreign Policy
International relations in South Asia (India, Pakistan)
Vadim Trukhachev
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Area Studies and Foreign Policy
Modern foreign policy of Russia, international relations in Europe, countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Vasily Khristoforov
Doctor of Jurisprudence, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Foreign Area Studies
History of the state security agencies of the USSR and Russia, foreign policy of the USSR and Russia in the Middle East, international security
Alexander Gushchin
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Post-Soviet Countries
International relations in the Eurasian space
Alexander Levchenkov
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Post-Soviet Countries Abroad
International security, Russia's foreign policy in the post-Soviet space
Efim Pivovar
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academic Director of the University, Director of the Institute of Eurasian and Interregional Studies
Integration processes in the Eurasian space, international humanitarian cooperation, history of the Russian diaspora
Svetlana Konacheva
Doctor of Philosophy, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy
Philosophy of religion, phenomenology of religion
Aleksei Kruglov
Doctor of Philosophy, Chair of the Department of Contemporary Issues of Philosophy
Philosophy of Kant, philosophy of the German Enlightenment, German idealism, Russian philosophy of the 18th-19th centuries
Viktor Molchanov
Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Center of Phenomenology
Phenomenology, philosophy of Husserl
Anna Reznichenko
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of History of Russian Philosophy
History of Russian philosophy, Russian religious philosophy
Vyacheslav Serbinenko
Doctor of Philosophy, Chair of the Department of History of Russian Philosophy
History of Russian philosophy
Roman Anisimov
PhD in Sociological Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology
Theory of sociology, sociology of labor, sociology of personality, social stratification
Natalya Belova
PhD in Sociological Sciences, Chair of the Department of Applied Sociology
Sociology of health, sociological research methods in health care, sociological research in social work
Marina Bulanova
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of Theory and History of Sociology
History of Russian sociology, sociology of education, sociology of youth
Anastasia Zaitseva
PhD in Sociological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Sociology
Methodology of sociological research, quantitative methods
Anastasia Kolosova
PhD in Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Sociology
Sociology of childhood, sociology of youth, sociology of reading
Olga Kryshtanovskaya
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Director of the Yadov Center for Digital Sociology
Digital sociology, sociology of the Russian political elite, sociology of public administration
Natalia Meshcheryakova
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of Political Sociology and Social Technologies
Sociology of digital society, anomie, social structure and stratification
Marina Milovanova
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology
Gender sociology, political sociology, gender relations, women in politics, management, business, science and technology
Marina Razina
Lecturer (Department of Sociology)
Social inclusion and integration, sociology of marketing and advertising, sociology of organizations, sociology of social work, sociology of education, modern digital methods of sociological research
Viktor Sapryka
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Political Sociology and Social Technologies
Geopolitics, social design, cross-border interaction, public administration, foresight
Zhan Toshchenko
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher (Department of Sociology)
Sociology of life, precarious work, labor productivity, social contract in Russia
Gulshat Urazalieva
PhD in Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Sociology
Ethnosociology, digital sociology, developmental sociology: teaching methods, developing communion of children and adults as an interdisciplinary project
Irina Shevchenko
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Sociology, Leading Researcher (Department of Sociology)
Sociology of labor and employment, sociology of family, sociology of fatherhood
Dmitry Kashirsky
Doctor of Psychology, Chair of the Department of General Psychology
Psychology of personal values, personal values of adolescents with deviant behavior, adaptation of international students to study in Russia
Vasilisa Orestova
Doctor of Psychology, Chair of the Department of Personality Psychology
Personality psychology, developmental psychology, psychology of art, psychology of cinema
Viktor Titov
Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Social Psychology
Political psychology, psychology of leadership
Dmitry Khoroshilov
Doctor of Psychology, Chair of the Department of Social Psychology
Psychology of social knowledge in a transitive society, aesthetic paradigm in everyday psychology, psychology of digitalization of knowledge
Karina Chizhova
PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Department of Psychology of Family and Childhood
Sociocultural development and education of children, emotional stability of adolescents, adaptation of children to learning
Vitaly Shabelnikov
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Chair of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education
Political psychology, ethnic psychology, family psychology, psychological structure of Russian family
Pavel Basharin
PhD in Historical Sciences, Director of the International Russian-Iranian Center
History of Iran, history of religions of Iran, ethnology of Iran, philosophical thought of the Muslim East
Alexander Zotin
PhD in Political Sciences, Director of the International Center for African Studies
Modern political processes in the countries of the East and Africa, cooperation between Russia and African countries
Eleonora Kormysheva
PhD in Historical Sciences, Director of the Golenishchev International Center for the Study of Egypt and Sudan
Specialist in Egyptology, Nubiology
Nikolay Medushevsky
Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Modern East and Africa
Modern political processes in the countries of the East and Africa
Nikita Filin
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chair of the Department of Modern East and Africa
History of Iran, modern political processes in Iran
Dmitry Antonov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the Center for Visual Studies of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
Religious culture and religious practices, Russian culture of the Middle Ages and Modern Times, iconography, medieval demonology, "Soviet" icons
Irina Bakanova
PhD in Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Museology, Director of the Museum Center of RSUH
History of the creation of art museums, university art museums, education through art; underground art in the context of official culture
Svetlana Baranova
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Museology, Chief Researcher of the Department of Cinema and Contemporary Art
History of Russia of the Moscow period; history of Russian culture, museology, restoration, museum and park complex of Russia in Jericho
Dmitry Doronin
PhD in Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Center for Visual Studies of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
Religious culture and religious practices, iconography, medieval demonology, "Soviet" icons
Galina Zvereva
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies
History and methodology of studying culture, media culture, visual culture, digital culture, gender studies
Vladimir Kolotaev
Doctor of Art History, Doctor of Philosophy, Dean of the Faculty of History of Arts, Chair of the Department of Cinema and Contemporary Art
Cinema and contemporary art, sociology and psychology of media, social psychology of cinema and television, issues of identity in screen arts, analytics of cinema art
Igor Kondakov
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture
Philosophy of culture, theory and history of culture, theory and history of literature, theory and history of art; aesthetics, history of social thought, theory and history of mass media
Alexander Markov
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Cinema and Contemporary Art
Theory of art, history of concepts, history of the humanities, sociology of art, psychology of art
Anneta Sundieva
PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Museology
History and organization of museum affairs
Kirill Kolybanov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems
Systems analysis and decision-making in informatization of the humanities
Vladimir Los
Doctor of Military Sciences, Chief Researcher (Institute of Information Science and Security Technologies)
Threats to information security, personnel support for the information security industry
Dmitry Mityushin
PhD in Technical Sciences, Chair of the Department of Complex Information Security
Information security, information protection in robotic complexes, anonymization systems in networks, security of databases and web applications
Evgeny Nadezhdin
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems
Development and assessment of educational information systems, cognitive information technologies in intelligent control systems
Nail Sultanov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems
Intelligent technologies in production, technical, transport and socio-economic systems, optimal control of production, technical, transport and socio-economic systems
Galina Shevtsova
PhD in Historical Sciences, Director, Chair of the Department of Information Security
History of agencies of information protection and information security, modern educational practices in the field of information security
Valery Tishkov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Center of Social Anthropology
Ethnic processes in the modern world, ethnic conflict resolution studies, anthropology of power and violence, national policy and intercultural interaction in post-Soviet Russia and the CIS countries
Olga Artemova
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Center of Social Anthropology
Social anthropology of Australia and Oceania, social organization and spiritual culture of illiterate societies
Marina Butovskaya
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Center of Social Anthropology
Evolutionary foundations of human social and reproductive behavior, anthropology of gender, cross-cultural aspects of aggression and reconciliation, primatology, ethology of humans and primates, cross-cultural communication
Tatyana Belova
PhD in Jurisprudence, Professor, Chair of the Department of Business Law
Property law, business law, consumer protection
Oleg Bulakov
Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor, Chair of the Department of Constitutional and International Law
Parliamentarism and lawmaking
Irina Krapchatova
PhD in Jurisprudence, Professor, Chair of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure
Criminal law and its application
Ekaterina Lapatukhina
PhD in Jurisprudence, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law
Legal regulation of civil service, anti-corruption, administrative law
Anna Milokhova
PhD in Jurisprudence, Professor, Chair of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure
Civil law, law of obligations, alternative dispute resolution
Stanislav Timofeev
Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Chair of the Department of Financial Law
Financial law, banking law, legal regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Tsyganovkin
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Law and Comparative Legal Studies
Modern methodology of law, theory of legal regulation