The program is designed for students with a bachelor's degree in humanities, social and cultural sciences, as well as for specialists in the field of history, international relations, foreign area studies, political science, economics, jurisprudence, linguistics, culturology.
The program is aimed at forming a comprehensive knowledge about the mechanisms for conducting expert analysis and international political research, as well as forming an ability to create information and analytical databases, international ratings and indices reflecting social, political, economic and humanitarian development of the countries of the world and Russia. It also provides for the acquisition of skills in the field of Russian and foreign technologies and the principles of organizing information and analytical activities, expert evaluation, modeling and forecasting of international processes.
Types of occupation: expert analysis, research.
Key disciplines of the program:
Areas occupation: state, public and private organizations, political parties, diplomatic missions, research institutes and foundations, expert and analytical centers, government bodies, organizations engaged in educational activities, mass media.