The winners of the nomination "The Commonwealth of Our Countries" of the All-Russian competition "My Country - My Russia"


The winners of the nomination "The Commonwealth of Our Countries" of the All-Russian competition "My Country - My Russia"

In Kaliningrad, the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University hosted the final international session "The Commonwealth of Our Countries" for the participants of the all-Russian competition "My Country - My Russia", one of the projects of the presidential platform "Russia - the Land of Opportunities". 4 winners of the competition were announced.

The session was organized by RSUH in cooperation with the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. As part of the event, the finalists of the All-Russian competition "My country - my Russia" in the nomination "Commonwealth of Our Countries" for foreign citizens and compatriots living abroad, defended their projects before the panel of experts.

Dr. Denis Ashirov, Director of the Department of State Youth Policy and Educational Activities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, said: “The international session “The Commonwealth of Our Countries” is a communication platform on the basis of which interregional and international dialogue is formed. It is also important that representatives of 12 Russian regions and more than 25 countries of the world … will meet at the session. I should also commend the host of the event, the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. I am confident that modern classrooms, high-quality infrastructure and the overall hospitality of the University will contribute to a favorable atmosphere of the session."

The winners of the nomination in the first age category (from 14 to 17 years old) were 2 project authors.

A schoolboy from Egypt Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud presented the project for the children's television "Young Planet", the Russian-language content for which is created by children from different countries of the world. The initiative provides a unique opportunity for each child to try their hand in journalism, film-making or directing. It also motivates children to learn Russian.

A schoolboy from Tunisia Jean-Philippe Simonov presented a project to erect a monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the Republic of Tunisia, where all compatriots and foreign citizens could come to honor the memory of their ancestors. It is assumed that the first such monument in the country will become a platform for a number of patriotic events.

Two winners were selected in the category of 18 to 35 years.

Mr. Fedor Nikonov (the Moscow Region) presented the project "Russian House" in Hurghada aimed at the development of Russian culture in Egypt. Within the framework of the project, it is planned for the Russian school "Svetoch" to resume its services in Hurghada, to publish a Russian-language newspaper and to hold a festival of Russian culture.

Mr. Alexander Starovoitov (native of the Republic of Kazakhstan), student of the Russian State Social University (Moscow), presented an initiative aimed at strengthening interaction with Russian compatriots living abroad. His project “Contact made! Communicating with Compatriots in a New Way” is an online platform that allows compatriots to expeditiously receive updated information necessary for adaptation in Russia.

The final distribution of awards will be announced later. Medals and special prizes from partners will be awarded to the authors of the best projects at the special ceremony scheduled for December.

The participants were also able to discuss issues of preserving Russian culture abroad and developing international cooperation among young people in the field of science, education and culture.

One of the key events was the international conference "The Language of Knowledge: Pedagogical Practices for the Development of Russian Culture Abroad", attended by speakers from more than 50 countries, including South Korea, Malaysia, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, and others. The conference was held in a mixed format with a broadcast in the social networks of the competition "My Country - my Russia".

Rector Bezborodov noted: “It is very important that educational institutions, such as RSUH, should be involved in this work, participating in it at the expert level, providing the best examples of their academic activities, models of youth policy and education. We feel constant support from and work closely with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. It is important for us that the models of education, the experience that has been accumulated at RSUH, spread throughout the entire system of academic institutions and institutions of higher education. It is not by chance that RSUH actively participates in this work as the experience of cooperation with many dozen states in educational, academic and other endeavors, accumulated over decades, have come to provide us with an invaluable academic wealth of our higher education system. I think that today's Round Table will serve as a format for the sharing of such experience."

Dr. Aleksey Agafonov, Deputy Director General of the organization Russia - Land of Opportunities, said: “In 2021, the platform Russia - Land of Opportunities began to actively develop the area of ​​international cooperation. We have accumulated extensive experience in the field of personal competencies and social elevators, which we are ready to share with representatives of foreign countries. We are confident that the projects of the winners of the "Commonwealth of Our Countries" nomination and other initiatives that originated within the project "My Country - My Russia", will make a significant contribution to its development."

The participants of the event also continued the tradition of the All-Russian competition "My Country - My Russia" by planting a symbolic birch sapling on the territory of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, the soil for which they had brought from their native countries and regions.

Dr. Larisa Pastukhova, Head of the All-Russian competition "My Country - my Russia", Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Vice-Rector of RSUH, said: "The All-Russian competition "My Country - My Russia" regularly becomes a platform for discussing topical issues concerning the development of Russian territories in the field of science and education, social entrepreneurship, tourism and culture. The international session "The Commonwealth of Our Countries", having brought together participants from 12 regions of Russia and 53 foreign states, has revealed the special interest from the members of the project community to international topics. At the end of September in Moscow, within the framework of the All-Russian youth forum “My Country. My Pride. My Small Motherland”, the finals of the competition will be held this year. Very soon we will start working on a new, 19th season of the project, which, as we can confidently say, will include the international vector”.

This season, 91 147 people from all regions of Russia and foreign countries, including Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Vietnam, Great Britain, the United States and many others, have taken part in the XVIII All-Russian competition “My Country - My Russia”. 762 contestants from 76 regions of Russia and a number of foreign countries have made it to the finals of the project.

The competition "My Country - my Russia" is implemented as part of the federal project "Social elevators for everyone" of the national project "Education".


The Autonomous Non-Profit Organization (ANO) "Russia - the Land of Opportunities" was created on the initiative of the President Putin. The key goals of the organization are as follows: creating conditions for increasing social mobility, ensuring personal and professional self-realization of citizens, as well as creating effective social elevators in Russia. The supervisory board is chaired by President Vladimir Putin.

ANO “Russia - the Land of Opportunities” is developing a platform of the same name, uniting 26 projects: the competition of managers “Leaders of Russia”, the competition “Leaders of Russia. Politics ”, All-Russian Olympiad for Students“ I Am a Professional ”, the competition “Your Move ”, the international competition“ My First Business ”, the All-Russian Competition“ Big Change ”, the All-Russian Project “Career Time”, the project “TopBLOG ”, the project “Professional Internships 2.0” , the project "Cultural Code", the festival "Russian Student Spring", the All-Russian competition "Masters of Hospitality", "Grant Competition for Youth Initiatives", the competition "Digital Breakthrough", the professional competition "Teacher of the Future", the All-Russian competition "The Best Social Project of the Year", the competitions in professional skills among people with disabilities "Abilympics", the All-Russian youth management cup "Drive!" , the international engineering championship "CASE-IN", "National Technology Olympiad Junior", the project "Hackathons and Lectures on Artificial Intelligence" and the platform "Another thing".

As part of the activities of the ANO "Russia - the Land of Opportunities" in February 2019, an educational center "Senezh" was created. Its goal is to form a generation of active citizens, including competent civil servants who have undergone modern professional training and are united by the value of serving the country and society. The projects provide training programs for participants of projects and competitions of the platform, active youth, as well as managers and civil servants. The workshop acts as a platform for various educational and youth fora, including the forum "Territory of Meanings".

Within the ANO "Russia - the Country of Opportunities", a competency assessment center (Department of Methodology and Assessment) was created in August 2020. The Center's tasks are to develop and implement its tools for assessing managerial and business competencies in all competitions and projects of the ANO and its partners, creating and supporting competence centers at universities, conducting assessments, organizing education and training the future personnel of competence centers.