The IV International Conference "Children - Victims of Terror and Holocaust: History, Treatment, Memory"


The IV International Conference "Children - Victims of Terror and Holocaust: History, Treatment, Memory"

On September 10, 2021, with the support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, the Holocaust Center and the Association of Victims of Terrorist Acts "Mothers of Beslan" (co-chaired by Ms. Susanna Dudieva and Ms. Aneta Gadieva), the IV International Conference was held in the UNESCO Hall of the North Ossetian Medical Academy under the title “Children - victims of terror and the Holocaust: history, treatment, memory”.

The work of the Conference, among the participants of which there were victims and eyewitnesses of the Beslan tragedy, was carried out in two plenary sessions: "Thank you, Doctor!" and “Preserving the Historical Memory of the Beslan Tragedy”.

Dr. Altman, Director of the Center for the History of the Holocaust and Genocides, delivered a presentation on the topic “Culture of memory of the tragedy of peoples during World War II and the possibility of using international experience in museum and exhibition activities about the tragedy in Beslan”.

Dr. Tikhankina, an analyst at the Center for the History of the Holocaust and Genocides, made a presentation on study guides about the children victims of terror.

Dr. Alexander Reutov, Acting Chairman of the Government of North Ossetia, gave a welcoming speech. Dr. Oleg Remizov, Rector of the North Ossetian Medical Academy, expressed his gratitude to the representatives of the Association of Victims of Terrorist Acts "Mothers of Beslan" for preserving the memory of the victims. Paraphrasing the words of Maria Ukhitilova, author of the monument to 82 children massacred in 1942 in the village of Lidice near Prague, he said: “On behalf of the whole world, you are returning 186 deceased children of a small nation, to their native land, as you do all other children who have died in senseless wars and terrorist attacks ". Dr. Remizov noted that the most vulnerable victims of inhuman ideologies were children, whose murder was regarded by terrorists and their accomplices as the most effective means for influencing people in different countries.