Acting Rector Loginov, and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Pyotr Tolstoy, participated in Vladimir Legoyda's podcast "Gathering Our Thoughts" on Channel One.
The key topic of the evening was the relationship between the Church and the state in modern Russian society. The discussion also touched upon the role of the Church in school education today.
Dr. Loginov spoke about the role of the Church in the formation of Russian statehood:
"Thanks to the Church, Russia became a powerful state. Moreover, it was the Church that transformed Russia into a Eurasian power. Paradoxically, the strength of the Russian state, enabled by the Church, led to the unification of many peoples and religions around Rus'. Legally, all religious organizations in Russia are considered equally distanced from the state. This is the principle of secularism."
The full version of the podcast is available here.