President Putin met with participants of the II Congress of Young Scholars


President Putin met with participants of the II Congress of Young Scholars

On December 1, in the Sirius Park of Science and Art (Sochi), President Putin met with the participants of the II Congress of Young Scholars and students of the program for the development of a personnel management pool in the field of science, technology and higher education. RSUH was represented by Dr. Evgenia Dolgova, professor of the Faculty of History. The experts discussed the strategy for the development of research, academic and educational activities.

Dr. Dolgova said in her speech: “The Decade of Science and Technology is a megaproject. It should be accompanied by a parallel academic project of the same scale. However, the state of the industry raises some concerns. … We have very few departments of history of science, few teaching aids, and few journals where one can publish. In some few dissertation councils there is a specialty "History of science and technology", thus there are very few dissertation defenses. This state of affairs is not conducive to systematic research, professional popularization of the specialization, and the development of academic schools. Moreover, it does not correspond to either the content or the significance of the national history of science. In this regard, I ask you to support the expansion of the presence of the history of science in educational practice.”

In April 2022, the President signed the Decree “On the Announcement of the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation”. The most important initiative of the Decade is "Working with experience", which involves the study and systematization of knowledge about the history of domestic science and its role in the development of mankind, as well as the use of this experience for the scientific and technological development of the country. Therefore, the President generally supported Dr. Dolgova's proposal to create a network of science centers where historians, sociologists, and philosophers of science could work together.

RSUH offers specialty 5.6.6 History of science and technology headed by Dr. Dolgova. The council is one of the few in the country that accepts dissertations in this specialty.

More details here.