


On the language policy of the Russian Federation: an Interactive Atlas of the Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East

On the place and role of RSUH project "Interactive Atlas of the Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East: Languages and Cultures" in the general concept of the language policy of the Russian Federation.

On December 11, during an open meeting of the National Steering Committee for the Preparation of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in the Russian Federation in 2022-2032, Olga Pavlenko, Vice-Rector for Research at RSUH, spoke about the project “Interactive Atlas of the Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East: Languages and Cultures”. The Atlas was created to preserve, popularize and develop the traditional culture and languages of the small-numbered peoples.

“The Atlas is not only a fundamental science and a recorded copy of complex knowledge about peoples, but it is also the North in faces, first of all, people. We proceeded from the fact that the Atlas should have a human-centered model,” said Olga Pavlenko.

This year, a library of publications on the history, culture and languages of the small-numbered peoples was also posted on the Atlas website. The selection was carried out by Valery Tishkov, member of the RAS.

Nina Veisalova, Vice President of the Association of the Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, spoke about the significance of the project for indigenous peoples. She particularly emphasized the successful experience of involving young people in the development of the Atlas.

One of the main features of the project is the one of complete import substitution. The Atlas operates on the Russian operating system Astra-Linux.

“We have also shown our colleagues abroad how knowledge about indigenous peoples is developing. In 2023, a basic English-language version of the Atlas was created by native speakers. At the moment, about 30% of the materials presented have been translated into English and are available, so to speak, in a broad global context,” said Olga Pavlenko.

At the end of the event, it was decided to approve the project for the creation and development of the Interactive Atlas of the Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, and also recommend that the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to support a set of measures to develop and popularize the Atlas.

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