


New Year's holidays. Anti-terrorist security memo

During the New Year holidays, it is necessary to observe anti-terrorist security measures.

    Be wary and careful during mass events:
  • try to stay away from crowds;
  • pay attention to suspicious people who behave excessively cautiously or, on the contrary, attract unnecessary attention to themselves;
  • if you find an unknown object, immediately report the find to the administration, security, police officers;• do not touch, move or open the found object;
  • in case of riots during public events, do not panic, calmly leave the scene;
  • avoid large crowds of people, do not join in, no matter how much you want to watch what is happening;
  • do not join the crowd from the side, do not: bend over, pick up dropped objects, grab trees, poles, fences, raise your hands above your head;
  • if you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it at the first opportunity;
  • if suddenly security forces show any activity, do not be curios, go in the opposite direction, but do not run, so that you are not mistaken for an offender. Immediately obey any commands of police officers;
  • If an explosion or shooting should happen, immediately fall on the ground, preferably under cover (a curb, a stall, a car, etc.), cover your head with your hands, and leave at the first opportunity, without creating a disturbance for others;
  • if people are in the building at the time of a drone attack, if possible, try to go down to the lowest floors, the basement and parking lot. Do not use the elevator!
  • if you are in the apartment, you need to find a place without windows, between load-bearing walls (normally, it is a bathroom). Then you need to sit on the floor. Do NOT go near the windows!
  • if you are outside during the drone attack, you need to hide in the nearest building, underground passage or parking lot. If you are traveling in transport, you need to get out and hide in the nearest shelter.

Never touch unattended objects. Report any suspicious objects, people or incidents immediately by calling 01, 02, 101, 112 (from a mobile phone).

REMEMBER! Following these rules might help save your life!

If you receive calls from the Rector, vice-rectors, the University administration, your bank's security service, various law enforcement agencies urging you to transfer funds to other accounts or provide your personal data, please rememnber - THESE ARE SCAMMERS!

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