Dear friends and colleagues, I would like to wish you a very happy New Year. This is a holiday that has lived in our hearts since childhood. Indeed, the feeling of the new, if anyone has thought about this, always accompanies a person. It is thanks to this feeling that man has created the greatest civilization. It is thanks to this feeling that we have discovered the laws of nature, developed our society, culture and everything that is the subject of our deep research and study.
We truly understand that without it, much in our life would be completely different. Education itself, when a teacher works with students, is an exploration of the new. That is why the New Year holiday is, one might say, a professional holiday for our entire wonderful community. The RSUH community is one big family. The members of this family are faculty, students, staff, administrative and managerial workers, and we are all dedicated to one task: to educate and provide the homeland with the professionally trained specialists in very important areas of social sciences and humanities. We know the responsibility that the state places on us. And these days it is special. Indeed, RSUH is becoming the driving force of social sciences and humanities, as well as the education system that is being reformed and becoming in demand in our society. One more very important point. Next year is the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory. Victory is a word with an extraordinary significance and it evokes a lot of feelings. We understand what significance this victory played in the history of mankind, in the history of our country, in the history of each family and each of us. Therefore, we will celebrate this holiday as historians and researchers of the past. We have always understood what role the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War played for all of humanity.
Dear friends, I wish you success in the New Year, happiness, health, love and patience to your loved ones and, of course, the long-awaited victory. I wish you a very happy New Year.