


In an interview with the TV channel "Russia 24", the Minister of Education and Science Valery Falkov spoke about the results of the year in the field of higher education and science

In the past year, the national project "Science and Universities" came to an end. Its goals were achieved. The work on attracting young people’s interest in science has been actively carried out and will continue. A large number of programs and projects dedicated to the creation of a link between universities, research institutes and the real sector of the economy will continue in new national projects.

The project to create advanced engineering schools has been under way for 3 years. Today, the business community itself is asking for its extension, and thanks to the support of President Putin, new engineering schools will continue to open. There are 50 of them now, and the number will have doubled by 2030.

The number of budget places for training engineering and technical personnel for 2025 will remain as high as the year before, and will even increase slightly. Next year, applicants will be able to apply for 248.5 thousand admission spots.

It was possible to ensure a noticeable influx of young scholars. One of the effective tools for attracting them was the opening of 940 youth laboratories in the country. By 2030, another 800 will be operational.

The instrument base in the country's leading institutes and universities has been updated by more than 50%. It is important that 40% of the new devices were produced domestically.

In the outgoing year, a lot of work was carried out and will continue to update the entire system of higher education. Among the principles are upholding the fundamental principles and high-quality practice-orientation.

For more information, see the interview.

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