Dear friends,
The New Year is approaching. It is everyone's favorite jolly family holiday. It warms us with meetings with our loved ones, brings about a special atmosphere of magic and makes us believe in miracles.
In these pre-New Year hours, we are seeing off the outgoing year and making plans for the future. Our country is confidently moving forward, focusing on its own national interests, and that is partially thanks to the enormous and selfless work of everyone who works in our field: scientists, teachers and heads of research teams.
Together, we have managed to strengthen the ties between universities, research institutes and Russian business. This concerns both the creation of new technologies for the specific tasks of enterprises and the training of highly qualified personnel.
In our priorities in the outgoing year, we included the development of fundamental science and the attraction of talented young people to the field of research and development. I would like to thank everyone whose experience, knowledge, intelligence and perseverance have allowed us to achieve a noticeable success here.
Ahead lie new, no less large-scale tasks, new frontiers. In 2025, a lot of work will continue to improve the national system of higher education, the implementation of national projects to ensure technological leadership will begin, and many other initiatives will be launched. Thanks to them, domestic science will become even more respected, and higher education will be more in demand, which in turn, will make our country stronger, more successful and prosperous. Dear friends, I wish you a very happy New Year! I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and success!