Session of the Academic Council took place at RSUH

Session of the Academic Council took place at RSUH

Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation Tatyana Belyaeva presented the Roadmap for the Digital Development of RSUH for 2024. In her speech, Dr. Belyaeva talked about the main tasks of digitalization, about the projects being implemented by RSUH, and their development.

An equally important event was the decision of the Council to create the Educational and Academic Center “Institute of Ethnopolitics of RSUH”. Dr. Udaltsov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a graduate of the Faculty of Law of RSUH, was proposed for the position of academic director of the Institute, and Secretary General of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Dr. Biguaa – for the position of director.

A decision was made to award the Shanyavsky Prize for outstanding contribution to the development of fundamental humanities research in 2023 to:

Dr. Ershova, Chief Research Fellow of Knorozov Center;

Dr. Kiyanskaya, Professor of the Department of Literary Criticism, Faculty of Journalism, Institute of Mass Media and Advertising;

Dr. Testelets, Director of the Institute of Linguistics.

Also, Dr. Ilyin was elected to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Management of RSUH, Dr. Nelyubina – to the position of Chair of the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology. Dr. Khoroshilov - to the position of Chair of the Department of Social Psychology.

A delegation from the Center for Diplomacy of Knowledge of RSUH and the ANO Smart Civilization visited the Republic of Brazil

On November 23, the delegation held a seminar at the Firjan International in Rio de Janeiro. The participants talked about the features and main areas of work of Russian and Brazilian NGOs at the present time. Particular attention was paid to discussing a common image of the future and the formation of common values in the context of intercivilizational interaction. On the next day the delegation met with Jose Alfredo Graça Lima,

Vice-President of the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI). Dr. Lunkin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Modern Europe”, spoke about the role of the civilizational approach in the context of international interaction.

On November 24, the representatives of RSUH held a working meeting with Marta Fernandez, director of the BRICS Policy Center. Experts discussed the potential of BRICS as a center of world politics and economics. The event participants identified the lines of further cooperation between organizations.

The visit of the RSUH delegation to Sao Paulo was marked by a meeting between Dr. Agnaldo Arroyo, Chair of the Department of Teaching methods and Comparative education, First Vice-Rector of RSUH Olga Pavlenko, Vice-Rector of RSUH Dr. Zabotkina and Dr. Matveeva, member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for Philology and Art History. They discussed the role of universities in shaping the image of the future and civilizational values, prospects for interaction between the third sector, universities and innovative companies.

The RSUH delegation held meetings with representatives of non-profit organizations in Sao Paulo. The event at the site of the National Union of Students of Brazil (União Nacional dos Estudiantes) became a landmark event. On November 29, Dr. Vorontsov, Director of the “Media and Mass Media” of the NGO Smart Civilization, gave a lecture on space, and on December 1, Dr. Kuznetsova, Director of the Russian-Brazilian Center of RSUH, and Dr. Lunkin held a master class, at which he discussed the features of the image of Russia and Brazil through the eyes of Brazilian youth.

Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation Tatyana Belyaeva presented the Roadmap for the Digital Development of RSUH for 2024. In her speech, Dr. Belyaeva talked about the main tasks of digitalization, about the projects being implemented by RSUH, and their development.

An equally important event was the decision of the Council to create the Educational and Academic Center “Institute of Ethnopolitics of RSUH”. Dr. Udaltsov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a graduate of the Faculty of Law of RSUH, was proposed for the position of academic director of the Institute, and Secretary General of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Dr. Biguaa – for the position of director.

A decision was made to award the Shanyavsky Prize for outstanding contribution to the development of fundamental humanities research in 2023 to:

Dr. Ershova, Chief Research Fellow of Knorozov Center;

Dr. Kiyanskaya, Professor of the Department of Literary Criticism, Faculty of Journalism, Institute of Mass Media and Advertising;

Dr. Testelets, Director of the Institute of Linguistics.

Also, Dr. Ilyin was elected to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Management of RSUH, Dr. Nelyubina – to the position of Chair of the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology. Dr. Khoroshilov - to the position of Chair of the Department of Social Psychology.

A delegation from the Center for Diplomacy of Knowledge of RSUH and the ANO Smart Civilization visited the Republic of Brazil

On November 23, the delegation held a seminar at the Firjan International in Rio de Janeiro. The participants talked about the features and main areas of work of Russian and Brazilian NGOs at the present time. Particular attention was paid to discussing a common image of the future and the formation of common values in the context of intercivilizational interaction. On the next day the delegation met with Jose Alfredo Graça Lima,

Vice-President of the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI). Dr. Lunkin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Modern Europe”, spoke about the role of the civilizational approach in the context of international interaction.

On November 24, the representatives of RSUH held a working meeting with Marta Fernandez, director of the BRICS Policy Center. Experts discussed the potential of BRICS as a center of world politics and economics. The event participants identified the lines of further cooperation between organizations.

The visit of the RSUH delegation to Sao Paulo was marked by a meeting between Dr. Agnaldo Arroyo, Chair of the Department of Teaching methods and Comparative education, First Vice-Rector of RSUH Olga Pavlenko, Vice-Rector of RSUH Dr. Zabotkina and Dr. Matveeva, member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for Philology and Art History. They discussed the role of universities in shaping the image of the future and civilizational values, prospects for interaction between the third sector, universities and innovative companies.

The RSUH delegation held meetings with representatives of non-profit organizations in Sao Paulo. The event at the site of the National Union of Students of Brazil (União Nacional dos Estudiantes) became a landmark event. On November 29, Dr. Vorontsov, Director of the “Media and Mass Media” of the NGO Smart Civilization, gave a lecture on space, and on December 1, Dr. Kuznetsova, Director of the Russian-Brazilian Center of RSUH, and Dr. Lunkin held a master class, at which he discussed the features of the image of Russia and Brazil through the eyes of Brazilian youth.