RSUH took part in the All-Russian action “Universities for the Front!”

RSUH took part in the All-Russian action “Universities for the Front!”

In early November, the faculty and staff of RSUH collected over three million rubles and purchased snow and swamp-going vehicles and basic necessities for the soldiers participating in the special military operation. Collected as part of the All-Russian action “Universities for the Front!”, the supplies were sent to the front to support the Russian troops. The event was organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and united universities from various regions of the country in a joint patriotic project

Today, the administration, faculty and staff of RSUH took an active part in raising funds and purchasing equipment and supplies for the front.

Dr. Negrova, Deputy Director of the Department of State Youth Policy and Educational Activities of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, spoke words of gratitude to the universities that responded to the call:

“The action united over 500 universities in our country. Sending supplies to the front is helping our fighting soldiers who are doing everything to bring victory closer. A lot of thanks to all educational organizations that has taken part! Victory will be ours!".

Rector Bezborodov said: “Members of our team, in active interaction with the state and public structures, participate in raising funds to support our army. In November alone, our faculty, staff and students collected over 3 million rubles for the needs of the front. Using these funds, the University purchased two snow and swamp-going vehicles, which are in demand among the troops today. The remaining amount was spent on purchasing warm military uniforms for our defenders”.

The purchases were:

  1. all-terrain vehicle Pathcross Max 1000 ATV-L 28Q;
  2. technical fluids and oil for two snow and swamp-going vehicles;
  3. winter camouflage suits with overalls - 20;
  4. winter fur-lined boots - 20;
  5. warm woolen socks - 20;
  6. thermal underwear - 20;
  7. camouflage turtleneck sweaters - 20;
  8. winter hats - 20;
  9. insulated camouflage vests - 20;
  10. camouflage winter suits - 20;
  11. wet wipes - 18 packs.

The participation of RSUH will continue.