International conference “Historical memory and historical education in the post-Soviet space”

International conference “Historical memory and historical education in the post-Soviet space”

On November 8, 2023, the Conference “Historical Memory and Historical Education in the post-Soviet Space” was held at RSUH

The Conference was held with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The co-organizers were the Academic Council on Comprehensive Issues of History and Culture of Modern Eurasia at the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the RAS, Belarusian-Russian University, Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University, Russian-Tajik Slavic University.

The delegations of Slavic universities arrived in Moscow to participate in the Conference. It was also attended by representatives of the leading educational and scientific institutions of Russia: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lumumba People's Friendship University, Institute of General History of the RAS, Institute of Russian History of the RAS, Tomsk State University and a number of others, as well as representatives of the academic community of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Opening the Conference, President Pivovar emphasized that the representatives of the leading academic and educational centers of Russia, Armenia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, as well as partners from Kazakhstan and a number of other CIS countries had convened in the Hall of the Academic Council of RSUH. This reflects the significance of the event and the interest in its discussion in many countries of the Eurasian space.

First Vice-Rector Pavlenko said that historical research was a priority national project for each state, and the formation of a new historical space in Eurasia was possible only on the principles of respect for civilizational sovereignty, in the context of transformations towards multipolarity that were taking place in the world and the role played in them by the Russian Federation and its partners in Eurasian integration projects.

Dr. Fomin-Nilov, Acting Rector of KRSU, noted that without historical memory and historical education we would be losing our roots, and now, both in Russia and in most CIS countries, historical education and science are the base on which the unity of society rests.

Dr. Gagkuev, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Historical Society, noted that close cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Historical Society and the entire academic community had intensified, and was producing significant results.

Dr. Avetisyan, Vice-Rector for Science of RAU, emphasized that a unique project had been launched with RSUH: the Center for Eurasian Studies of RSUH-RAU. RAU supported the initiative to name the center after Dr. Piotrovsky, the long-time director of the State Hermitage, archaeologist and researcher of the ancient civilization of Urartu on the territory of Armenia.

Next, a plenary meeting took place, during which Dr. Fomin-Nilov spoke about the transformations of historical memory in the Eurasian space.

Dr. Khairutdinov, Director of the Institute of International Relations of the Kazan Federal University, focused on the role of historical memory for university science and education and highlighted the importance of this issue for the processes of Eurasian integration.

Dr. Avetisyan focused his attention on the development of Slavic universities, in particular centers of Eurasian studies.

Dr. Tsumareva, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities at BRU, spoke about research in the history of education in the Russian Empire and the study of policies in the field of censorship.

Dr. Rakhmatova, Chair of the Department of General and National History of RTSU, described the role that the Great Patriotic War played today in preserving the historical memory of the Tajik people, and highlighted state policy in this direction.

The sectional meetings were dedicated to various aspects of historical memory and its study, the role of education in the processes of preserving historical memory, the importance of art for the formation of an objective idea of the past, coordination of the efforts of partner countries in Eurasian integration processes in the field of sociocultural interaction and the role of Slavic universities in these processes.