At the Belarusian-Russian University, on the basis of the Gromyko Center for Eurasian Studies, a joint round table of Belarusian and Russian scientists took place

At the Belarusian-Russian University, on the basis of the Gromyko Center for Eurasian Studies, a joint round table of Belarusian and Russian scientists took place

On October 20-21, 2023 the Belarusian-Russian University at the Gromyko Center for Eurasian Studies, hosted a joint round table of Belarusian and Russian scientists “Prospects for development and resources for cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats in new geopolitical conditions“

The event was organized by the Belarusian-Russian University, RSUH and the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of the Scientific Council on Complex Problems of the History and Culture of Modern Eurasia at the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the RAS, the Gromyko Association for Foreign Policy Research, Russian Peace Foundation and the Association of European Studies. The round table was held with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The Table continued the active work of the Belarusian and Russian professional communities to create a common academic and educational space and develop public diplomacy mechanisms.

The Table was attended by leading experts from Belarusian and Russian universities and research centers, institutes of the RAS and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, representatives of relevant government bodies of the two countries, international integration organizations, foundations, public associations, businesses, as well as graduate and undergraduate students. The total number of participants was over 100 people, including over 40 speakers.

The BRU received a delegation from RSUH, headed by the Professor Pivovar, President of the University, head of the History Section of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the RAS.

Opening the Table on October 20, Dr. Lustenkov, Rector of the BRU, addressed its participants, noting the relevance of the event and the importance of increasing efforts to develop Belarusian-Russian academic and educational cooperation.

Dr. Pivovar in his opening speech emphasized that the holding of the Table was the result of professional and coordinated work of the Belarusian and Russian sides, as well as the support provided by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Dr. Gromyko, Director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Gromyko Association for Foreign Policy Research, drew attention to the enduring importance of constant dialogue between researchers of the participating states of modern Eurasian integration processes.

At the beginning of the plenary session, the participants approved the initiative to establish an international platform “Gromyko International Scientific Expert Forum”. The platform will become a pilot project for the formation of a permanent international platform aimed at discussing key issues of interstate cooperation and the development of integration processes in the Eurasian space.

Mr. Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, noted the special role of the Center for Eurasian Studies of RSUH and the BRU, opened in 2022, both in the preparation of the current event and in the work to intensify educational and scientific cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Belarus as a whole.

After the completion of the plenary session on October 20, a sectional meeting was held dedicated to integration processes in the Eurasian space in the context of modern geopolitical transformations. During the work of this section, the speakers noted the importance of Belarusian-Russian integration in the context of modern transformations of the international system towards multipolarity, the prospects for joint participation of Russia and Belarus in the formation of the institutional architecture of the SCO, EAEU, BRICS , highlighted the development of joint youth projects, educational and academic programs, especially emphasizing the importance of developing partnerships in an interdisciplinary manner and with the active involvement of students.

The second section was devoted to the key directions and stages in the history of Soviet diplomacy and the relevance of its experience for the modern times.

Section 3 was devoted to issues of general historical memory. The topics touched upon were issues of developing joint research between Belarusian and Russian scientists in the field of historical memory and preserving the common historical heritage of Russia and Belarus, tools for involving youth in the projects dedicated to the preservation of historical heritage, issues of coordination of scientists and experts in different areas of humanities.

Section 4 focused on the topic “The Greater Baltic: scientific diplomacy of the countries of the post-Soviet space today and tomorrow”. The presentations touched upon issues of regional geopolitical and geo-economic transformations, crisis features of social and socio-economic development of the Baltic countries, prospects for research, including joint Russian-Belarusian research on Baltic issues.

Section 5, “Integration processes as a factor in business development in the Eurasian space”, was devoted to the role of business in integration, particularly Eurasian integration. During the meeting, issues of coordination in the field of import substitution, technology development in such areas as instrumentation and technologies for nuclear measurements and radiation monitoring, advanced systems and technologies for drug recognition were considered.

On October 21, the work of the Table continued with a plenary session dedicated to the memory of Mr. Gromyko, a renowned Soviet diplomat of the second half of the 20th century, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1957-1985.

The plenary meeting adopted a final memorandum, in which the participants supported the establishment of the international platform “Gromyko International Scientific Expert Forum” and determined the directions and order of organization of its work. The work of the platform will become an important element in the further development of the Gromyko Center for Eurasian Studies. Gromyko of the BRU and RGGU.