The RAS hosted a presentation of the Interactive Atlas of small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East

The RAS hosted a presentation of the Interactive Atlas of small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East

The presentation took place on October 18, as part of the Strategic Session “Information Technologies and Monitoring of Ethno-Cultural and Linguistic Transformations”

The Atlas is a digital platform on which scientific data on the historical, cultural, socio-anthropological and linguistic diversity of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation is presented in an entertaining form.

The Atlas is being created at the request of the Department for Coordination of Activities of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. More than 60 experts and leading specialists from RSUH, the Association of Indigenous Peoples and Far East of the Russian Federation, FADN, academic institutes and leading Russian universities are participating in the development of this project.

Dr. Valery Tishkov, academic director of the project, spoke about the structure, content of the sections of the Atlas and the tasks implemented in it.

The first Vice-Rector Olga Pavlenko highlighted the principles of technological sovereignty in the implementation of the project and shared details about the assistance of young representatives of indigenous peoples in creating content for the digital platform.

Dr. Grigory Ledkov, President of the Association, highlighted the exceptional role of high technology in preserving the historical and cultural heritage of indigenous peoples. He also spoke about promising aspects of the project, which, in his opinion, could be deepened and supplemented.

Dr. Nina Veisalova, Vice-President of the Association, expressed gratitude to the team of developers of the Atlas and shared her impressions of the work on its creation.

To date, the Interactive Atlas website contains materials about 30 indigenous peoples and their 37 languages. The English version will be released in the near future.

Work on this project helps preserve the unity of the Russian people and popularize the uniqueness of each of its components.