Contemporary value issues discussed at RSUH

Contemporary value issues discussed at RSUH

On September 19, a meeting of the Intellectual Club of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of RSUH was held on the topic “Value approach for science, education and society.” Leading philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and social network analysts analyzed the issue of value orientations in modern society

Rector Bezborodov said, greeting the audience: “Holding of such events regularly is necessary, since the issues related to the value-oriented development of Russia are key issues. Without answering them, it is impossible to develop the right strategy for improving higher education and the entire educational environment as a whole”.

The meeting was moderated by Dr. Valery Fadeev, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Academic Director of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of RSUH. In his opening remarks, he outlined the challenges facing the education system related to educating the younger generation.

Dr. Vladimir Aristarkhov, Director of the Likhachev Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, spoke about the importance of the humanities in solving problems in the development of the Russian social and state system.

Dr. Vardan Bagdasaryan, professor of the Department of Public Policy, Faculty of Political Science, Moscow State University, made a presentation on the methodology of the axiological approach, the analysis of the concepts of value choice and value contradictions, as well as the sociocultural characteristics of the countries of the world.

Dr. Taras Varkhotov, Acting Head of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University, highlighted the issue of identifying the “value core” of modern Russia and spoke about the staggered implementation of the project of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of RSUH. His presentation was titled “Value-semantic and intellectual foundations of Russia’s strategic development in the context of global challenges”.

The session ended with a discussion, during which the invited experts expressed their opinions on the issue of the value approach and asked questions to the speakers.