Joint delegation of researchers from RSUH and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Smart Civilization” visited the Republic of Abkhazia

Joint delegation of researchers from RSUH and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Smart Civilization” visited the Republic of Abkhazia

From September 25 to 30, as part of the visit to the Republic of Abkhazia of the joint delegation of the Consulting Center "Diplomacy of Knowledge" of RSUH and "Smart Civilization", for the first time in the history of Russian-Abkhaz relations, a series of meetings was held on the topic of the place and role of public organizations and youth initiatives in strengthening interstate ties.

The delegation members presented the International Educational Project “Smart Civilization”, which studies the work of the third sector in the world.  The event also touches upon the sector’s role in humanitarian diplomacy, as well as the preparation of educational and media products in this area.

The joint work with the Abkhaz partners will contribute to a more effective interaction between NGOs and non-profit organizations in Russia and Abkhazia, and will also allow the involvement of youth in the work of the third sector. The project offers both theoretical developments and joint practical work with Abkhaz NGOs, universities, innovative enterprises and government authorities based on the knowledge about the Third Sector, taking into account the unique characteristics of Abkhaz society. The proposed formats of cooperation are fundamentally new for the Russian-Abkhaz relations.

Meetings were held with representatives of the authorities of the Republic of Abkhazia (Minister of Culture, coordinator of the Media Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Committee for Youth and Sports, Special Representative of the Republic of Abkhazia for Eurasian Integration), Vice-Rector for International Relations and Economic Affairs of Abkhaz State University, a representative of the Public Chamber of the Republic Abkhazia, Coordination Union of Russian Compatriots and Abkhazian NGOs. A wide range of issues was discussed related to the formation of the Third Sector of Abkhazia, strengthening cultural ties and economic integration, exchange of experience and development of joint public projects in humanities.

The “Smart Civilization” project is based on a civilizational approach, which corresponds to the vector of the current development of the Russian-Abkhaz relations.  It embraces a common civilizational space based on the traditions of the past, respect for sovereignty and joint formation of the image of the future.

Also, the “House of Moscow” in Abkhazia held lectures and seminars for the representatives of Abkhaz NGOs on the topics “The Third Sector in the world: its principles and development”, “The civilizational approach in the modern world: clash or cooperation”, “Examples of state regulation of the Third Sector in modern world".

The event ended with three proposals for the implementation of three joint projects: “NGO School”, “School of Young Futurologists”, “Knowledge Diplomacy”.

The “School of Young Futurologists” will become a platform for research and discussion of the image of the future for the Russian and Abkhaz youth. Within the framework of the “NGO School”, together with Abkhaz State University, educational products will be created about the work of the third sector: lectures, master classes, interactive courses, higher and supplementary education programs. The “Knowledge Diplomacy” media platform will upload documentaries, interviews, videos about the work of the Third Sector, with the participation of Abkhaz scholars, experts, and public figures.

Agreements were also reached with Abkhaz State University and the Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia on joint academic research in the field of studying the Third Sector within the framework of the “Smart Civilization” project.  A proposition was made to hold a discussion in the Public Chamber of Abkhazia on the prospects for interaction between the Russian and the Abkhaz NGOs. A separate topic was the discussion of issues on the development of modern formats of student and youth exchanges between Abkhazia and Russia.