Rector Bezborodov gave an interview to Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Rector Bezborodov gave an interview to Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Partner relations between RSUH and Mariupol State University are reaching a new level

Rector Bezborodov spoke to Rossiyskaya Gazeta about how the Russian builders, who had come to restore Mariupol, saw the destroyed buildings and library of the city’s main university. He talked about the steps needed to be taken to help the university where one could have recently been fined for speaking Russian, in order to join the Russian education system and how the Donbass university is adapting to the Russian realities of higher education.

Elena Novoselova (correspondent): How do you see your interaction with the faculty of the Kuindzhi Moscow State University: do you, as senior comrades, teach the people of Mariupol, or is this a mutual process and you also have something to learn from them?

Alexander Bezborodov: We are absolutely equal. We are represented by our First Vice-Rector Olga Pavlenko. The Kuindzhi University is represented by First Vice-Rector Dmitry Adamov. Their contacts are carried out in accordance with the agreement concluded between the parties. The DPR is a region of the Russian Federation, with which we work in the same way as with other territories of Russia.

Here's an example. We have planned a joint round table on journalism, in which military correspondents will take part. They will be able to tell our future journalists a lot of interesting and useful things. On the other hand, in May the conference “Covering the Great Patriotic War in Modern Media” was held. RSUH has archives, which, of course, were not present in such volume in Mariupol.