RSUH expands cooperation with Latin American universities

RSUH expands cooperation with Latin American universities

On August 15, 2023, in the city of Merida (Yucatan, Mexico), a meeting was held with Dr. Galina Ershova, Head of the Knorozov Mesoamerican Center of RSUH, Director of the RSUH branch in the Republic of Guatemala, representatives of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY). During the meeting, the prospects for cooperation between RSUH and the Autonomous University of Yucatan in the field of Latin American studies were discussed

The discussion was attended by Dr. Andreas Aluja, Coordinator of the International Cooperation Programs of the Autonomous University, Dr. Rocio Cortes, Dean of the Faculty of Anthropology of the UADY, Dr. Gabriel Ortiz, Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Anthropology, and Dr. Marcos Pool Cab, Director of the Office of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research of UADY, as well as Dr. Adrian Maldonado, Director of the Knorozov Russian-Mexican Center for Mayan Studies (Yucatan) and Dr. Tatyana Molodchikova, Deputy Director of the RSUH branch in the Republic of Guatemala.

Dr. Aluja welcomed the participants on behalf of the Rector of the University, Dr. Carlos Estrada Pinto, and noted that UADY was very interested in institutionalizing its relations with RSUH.

The UADY is one of the first Mexican universities to establish educational and academic relations with Russia. In 1996 and 1997 Dr. Ershova was invited to give a series of lectures on the hieroglyphic writing of the ancient Mayans at the Faculty of Anthropology.

In 2019, Dr. Alfredo Edilberto Barrera Rubio, Mexican archaeologist, historian and anthropologist, one of the oldest professors at UADY, was awarded the title of Doctor HONORIS CAUSA of RSUH

Info on the website of the UADY.