The closing ceremony of the Summer Institute was held in the Meeting Hall of the Academic Council of RSUH

The closing ceremony of the Summer Institute was held in the Meeting Hall of the Academic Council of RSUH

On August 11, at RSUH, the closing of the educational and cultural-educational events at Summer Institute took place.

The moderator of the final event of the Summer Institute was the First Vice-Rector Olga Pavlenko. She expressed gratitude to all the participants and organizers of the Summer Institute for their interest in the project and contribution to its work.

“Projects such as the Summer Institute are very important for Russia and the CIS countries. Over the two weeks, we have developed trusting partnerships, and I hope that this will help us build a further strategy for fruitful cooperation,” said Rector Bezborodov.

Dr. Lemka Izmailova, Deputy Director for Educational Activities of “Sociocenter” and Dr. Valery Klimenko, Advisor to the Department of Academic Cooperation, Education and Science of the Department of Academic Cooperation, General Political and Social Issues of the CIS Executive Committee, drew attention to the fact that the main idea of the project was to create a stable platform for establishing strong academic ties and exchange of historical knowledge and experience between the countries. In turn, President Pivovar emphasized the importance of holding such events not only for the Russian Federation, but also for the countries of the Eurasian space.

At the end of the final day of the Summer Institute, the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, “Sociocenter”, the Executive Committee of the CIS, partner universities and the administration of RSUH adopted the Protocol on the “Program of joint events based on the results of the work of the Summer Institute of RSUH”.