Academic Council of RSUH summed up the results of the academic year

Academic Council of RSUH summed up the results of the academic year

On June 27, a session of the Academic Council was held, at which the results of the 2022/2023 academic year were summed up

Rector Bezborodov presented “Results of the 2022/2023 academic year and key issues for the development of the University”. The questions of the rating policy of the University were highlighted, the tasks of increasing the presence of the University in the media identified, and the priority areas for improving the quality of the educational activities determined.

Rector also mentioned the successful completion of the 2022 Admissions Campaign and noted the opening of a number of dissertation councils at RSUH. A special place in the presentation was given to the issue of the beginning of cooperation with Mariupol State University.

First Vice-Rector Pavlenko presented a new version of the Regulations on the procedure for registration and issuance of certificates of completion of graduate studies at RSUH, and also raised the issue of graduate curricula.

Special attention is paid to the development of international cooperation at RSUH. The suggestion of awarding the title of “Doctor HONORIS CAUSA, Russian State University for the Humanities” to the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili, was put to the vote.

Dr. Zabotkina, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, noted that this year the RSUH had signed three agreements on academic cooperation with leading universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

At the session, deans of faculties and heads of departments of RSUH and heads of departments of the Domodedovo branch were elected to the positions.

Dr. Bakhadova and Dr. Bit-Yunan were awarded the academic title of associate professor.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Pavel Shkarenkov presented a new Regulation on the practical training of students of RSUH, as well as candidates for chairmen of state examination boards for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Social Work of the RSUH Irakli Bolkvadze was awarded the Honorary title of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia "Honorary Worker in the Sphere of Youth Policy of the Russian Federation".