Academic Regiment

Academic Regiment

Professor Vladimir Avtokratov was a Soviet and Russian historian-archivist. We are proud and we remember!

Vladimir Avtokratov was born in Moscow in 1922 in the family of a metallurgical engineer, who became famous after the war for his adventure novels.

In 1941, Mr. Avtokratov graduated from high school. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, in 1942-1945, he was in the ranks of the Red Army.

In 1943 he graduated from the Kalinin Military School of Technical Troops, in 1944-1945 he was a platoon commander with the rank of lieutenant technician on the 2nd Baltic and 1st Belorussian fronts, an officer in the chemical department of the reserve of the Group of Soviet occupation forces in Germany.

In 1946-1951 he studied at the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives.

In 1952–1957, he was a researcher at the Russian State Military and Historical Archive of the USSR, in 1957–1961, he was the executive secretary of the journal Historical Archive, in 1961–1964, he was an academic archeographer of the Main Archive of the USSR, deputy editor of the bulletin Questions of Archiving.

In 1963 he defended his Ph.D. dissertation “Management of the Armed Forces of Russia in the early 18th century. In 1964–1966, he was deputy director of the Central State Aviation Institute of the USSR. In 1966-1968 he was Academic Secretary, from 1968 to 1992 Deputy Director for Research at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archives. In 1982 he became full professor.

Author of over 100 published papers. Passed away in 1992.