Institute of Eurasian and Interregional Studies took part in the work of the international (Russian-Belarusian) seminar

Institute of Eurasian and Interregional Studies took part in the work of the international (Russian-Belarusian) seminar

On May 30, 2023, the International (Russian-Belarusian) seminar-meeting "TEACHER'S CIVIC POSITION: HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE AND CURRENT STATE" was held online. The event was organized by the Russian Academy of Education, RSUH and the Belarusian-Russian University in Mogilev (Republic of Belarus).

Dr. Pivovar, President of RSUH, Director of the Institute of Eurasian and Interregional Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, welcomed the participants of the seminar. He spoke about the importance of academic and educational cooperation between the CIS countries, emphasizing the fruitful interaction between the universities of Russia and Belarus, the proximity of the educational concepts of our countries, including approaches to civic education.

Of great interest to the participants of the seminar was the presentation of Dr. Vologina, Vice-Rector the BRU, who shared the experience of the Belarusian-Russian University in the field of civic education and patriotism.

Dr. Katagoshchina, Leading Analyst of the Laboratory for Education in the Humanities and the Formation of the Worldview of the Russian Academy of Education, spoke about the analytical report “Academic and methodological foundations for the civic education of teachers in Russia and the CIS countries”.

Dr. Levchenkov, Professor of the Department of Post-Soviet Countries of the Institute of Eurasian and Interregional Studies of RSUH, made a presentation on the topic “Civic education and history in a modern university”.

Dr. Khanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Post-Soviet Countries of the Institute of Eurasian and Interregional Studies of RSUH, spoke about the academic and educational projects of RSUH for students of the CIS countries, including student conferences “Military tribunals. The fight against Nazism and its followers, against crimes against peace and humanity” and “No statute of limitations. The genocide of the Soviet people by the Nazis and their accomplices during the Great Patriotic War”.

The participants of the seminar exchanged views on the prospects for further cooperation between the universities of Russia and Belarus on the issues of the civic education of teaching staff.