The XI International Conference from the series "Walls and Bridges" held at RSUH

The XI International Conference from the series "Walls and Bridges" held at RSUH

On May 25–26, 2023, the XI Conference from the series “Walls and Bridges: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Historical Research” was held at RSUH, organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of RSUH. The main topic of this year's conference is "Disciplined Science: Limits and Infinities".

The Сonference was opened with the presentation by Dr. Ershova "Historical inevitability and social inertia in the development of the anthroposystem: features of the current historical moment." Dr. Usachev of RSUH gave a presentation "The chronicle story about the appointment of Simon to the metropolis in 1495 and the features of the formation of the Russian church elite", Dr. Mukhin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University gave a presentation "One move is equal to ...: the problem of royal escapism at the beginning of the new time (comparative aspect)”, Dr. Volodin, Head of the Institute for Digital Research I Humanities of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) and Associate Professor of MSU, gave a presentation “Under the umbrella of Digital Humanities: 20 years of convergence and divergence of the tribes" and territories in humanities".

On the first day of the Conference, the round table "Digital Technologies in Historical Research" brought together specialists in the field of digital archiving. The section "History of Concepts" discussed the "wars of words" at the crossroads of disciplinary fields, the difference between meanings and concepts inherent in historical generations.

The round table “Historical and legal research” dealt with the format of a political and legal discussion.

On the second day of the Conference, the platforms "Interdisciplinary research in history: fixing the object" and "Historical source in the focus of interdisciplinary research" were conducted.

The Museum complex at Nikolskaya, 15 hosted the section "The world around us and the man in historical retrospective" at which the project "Star map on a "rock carrier" in Casa de Las Golondrinas, Guatemala: towards the problem of the emergence of fundamental science" was presented.

Dr, Din, Head of the Academic and Editorial Department of the Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore, presented a lecture "The Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore as an Interdisciplinary and Methodological Center for Regional Local Lore".

Dr. Leontiev, General Director of the Federal Institute for Certification and Evaluation of Intellectual Property and Business, gave a lecture on the topic "Intellectual science as the integration science in the system of humanitarian and technical knowledge."

Two youth platforms were held, where students from RSUH and other higher educational institutions of Russia presented their research projects. The Conference was ended with the experimental platform “Social Psychotherapy in Times of Crisis”.