The Institute of History and Archives of RSUH opened the exhibition "From the inkwell to the printing press"

The Institute of History and Archives of RSUH opened the exhibition "From the inkwell to the printing press"

On May 24, 2023, on the territory of the Institute of History and Archives of RSUH, the grand opening of the exhibition "From the inkwell to the printing press" was held, timed to coincide with the Day of Slavic Literature.

The Exhibition is dedicated to the history of writing and books in Rus' from ancient times to the present. In addition to colorful illustrative materials, the exposition features copies of birch bark letters, handwritten letters, a miniature model of a printing press and an authentic 18th-century inkwell. The unique exhibits also included the scientific and educational works published at the Moscow State Printing House.

The exhibition was opened by Acting Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Dr. Vera Zabotkina.

Dr. Galina Ershova, Director of the Knorozov Mesoamerican Center named, also addressed the guests with a welcoming speech, emphasizing the unique location of the Institute of History and Archives and its place in the professional life of many generations of RSUH graduates.

“This exhibition project, presented in the chambers of the Moscow Printing House, makes a very serious impression. It is impossible not to note the large-scale academic work done by the Knorozov Multimedia Historical and Cultural Center,” - said Dr. Bak, Director of the Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature, Chair of the Department of the History of Russian Literature of Contemporary Times at the Institute of Philology and History of RSUH.