Academic Regiment

Academic Regiment

Dr. Nikolay Ivnitsky, one of the most respected historians of Russia of the 20th century, became a student of the Institute of History and Archives after the Great Victory. A participant in the Great Patriotic War, he shared his memories of students of the Institute of History and Archives on the front-lines. We present to you fragments of his book "Students-soldiers of the first post-war enrollment of the Institute of History and Archives (1945-1946)"

Dr. Nikolai Ivnitsky is the father of Russian agrarian historiography, who made a significant contribution to science with his works on the history of collectivization in the USSR. He belonged to a narrow circle of researchers who were faithful to one topic, and in the course of many years of painstaking work in the archives, he thoroughly studied the whole of it. He was a real laborer of science, a classic Russian intellectual.

“The first soldiers appeared among the students of the Institute of History and Archives in 1942. The 1944 enrollment included A.A. Barkovsky, I.N. Vladimirtsev, P.P. Kovalev, G.M. Mandelzveig, Yu. Nechkin, Yu.A. Nikolaev. The volleys of the festive salute in honor of the Victory had not yet died down, and the former soldiers, still in their army uniforms, were already enrolling in higher educational institutions”, Dr. Ivnitsky wrote in his memoirs.

“I was one of these veterans. In May 1945, I applied to the Institute of History and Archives. It took a long time before I received an answer. In early August, a letter came that I was enrolled as a student of the Institute without exams as a participant in the Great Patriotic War, having a Magna Cum Laude high school diploma.