Days of Quebec in the RSUH

Days of Quebec in the RSUH

On the 15th of March Days of Quebec opened in the RSUH.


Days of Quebec in the RSUH

On the 15th of March Days of Quebec opened in the RSUH.
Ekaterina V. Isaeva, deputy director of the "Moscow-Quebec" center for education, research and culture, opened the ceremony. Ekaterina Vasilievna noted that the days of Quebec are held at our university at the sixth time, and the most interesting activities are planned in the framework of the program the Days of Quebec at the sixth time too. In addition, according to Ekaterina V. Isaeva, every year the audience of participants and visitors of the Days of Quebec becomes extensive; and it's the particularly enjoyable fact.

Days of Quebec in the RSUH Days of Quebec in the RSUH

Vice-rector for international activity Irina V. Karapetyants also greeted the gathered people at the opening of the Days of Quebec in the Russian State University for the Humanities. Irina expressed joy concerning that every year our university has the opportunity to receive representatives of Quebec, the unique Canadian province, acquainting us to their cultural and educational programs. Round-tables that had planned for the Days of Quebec in 2006 are of particular interest to scientists as well as students of the RSUH. According to Irina V. Karapetyants, the people of Quebec have a special, autonomous culture, familiarity with which represents the opportunity to gain invaluable experience for us.

Days of Quebec in the RSUH Days of Quebec in the RSUH

In the framework of the opening ceremony of the Days of Quebec in the RSUH Irina V. Karapetyants announced the winners of the annual Dictation of French-speaking America, which was conducted by the "Moscow-Quebec" Center for research, education and culture on the 20th of February, 2006.
The places were taken up in the following way:
1 place - Yulia V. Guskova (Saratov State University)
2 place - Olga V. Dmitrieva (Russian State University for the Humanities, Division for history and philology)
3 place was divided among Kristina M. Dakhina (Russian State University for the Humanities, Department of European languages) and Alexei G. Evstratov (Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities of the RSUH).

Days of Quebec in the RSUH Days of Quebec in the RSUH

Vice-rector for Education, Natalia I. Basovskaya, also greeted the guests and participants of the Days of Quebec in the RSUH. Natalia Ivanovna thanked the creators, staff and students of the "Moscow-Quebec" Center for the excellent reputation, which the Center has in scientific and educational areas in the RSUH. Moreover she thanked the Center for amazing, poetic world of Quebec, established within the walls of the RSUH.

Days of Quebec in the RSUH Days of Quebec in the RSUH

Director of the "Moscow-Quebec" Center T.G. Mogilevskaya, working in the University Laval, said that in spring the day of French-speaking is celebrated all over the world. The RSUH don't diverge from that tradition too.

Days of Quebec in the RSUH Days of Quebec in the RSUH

Quebec actress, Veronique Obyu, addressed at the opening ceremony of the Days of Quebec too. She read poetry and drama of Quebec for gathered people.

The Ceremony finished by the master class for dance of student from University Laval, Marie Pak.

The Days of Quebec is holding in the RSUH from 15 to 20 March, 2006.