Round-table "The development of international specializations of the "Moscow-Quebec" Center for Research, Education and Culture"

Round-table "The development of international specializations of the "Moscow-Quebec" Center for Research, Education and Culture"

On the 20th of March, the round-table "The development of international specializations of the "Moscow-Quebec"Center for research, education and culture" was held in the framework of the Days of Quebec in the Russian State University for the Humanities.


Round-table "The development of international specializations of the "Moscow-Quebec" Center for Research, Education and Culture"

  On the 20th of March, the round-table "The development of international specializations of the "Moscow-Quebec"Center for research, education and culture" was held in the framework of the Days of Quebec in the Russian State University for the Humanities.


  Ekaterina Vasilievna Isaeva, Director of the Russian-Canadian center "Moscow-Quebec" Center for education, research and culture made an opening speech. She noted that the round-table discussion was devoted to the development of educational programs. One of the goals of the round-table was to show how the program of the “Moscow-Quebec” Center works in two specializations: Division for archival studies and International Relations.


  Senior Scientist at the Laboratory of Evolutionary Geography at Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Elena Ivanovna Kurenkova, stressed that the modern civilization separated human from nature. But we should not forget about the natural factors of human life. Canada is a very reliable country in the ecological plan. Canadians have an ecological mentality and ecological consciousness, which is raised from childhood.


  Then Vadim Alexandrovich Koleneko, Doctor of History, the leading member of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences described the course "The history of French-speaking America" and drew attention to the lack of serious research in Russian in this area. Vadim Alexandrovich many spoke about Quebec, noting that it is very important to Canada.


  Elena V. Isaeva emphasized that the language is the significant aspect of training the program "Moscow-Quebec". The language plays an important role for the understanding of Quebec. Catherine Alexander noted that the language of Quebecers is very specific, archaic and historical; it's saturated with Anglicism.


  Christina Mikhailovna Dakhina, the lecturer of the Department of European languages made a report on the theme "Studying of French-speaking press for students, having a specialization "International Relations"" and presented a product of students’ collective creativity - a newspaper, which is also in electronic form.