Darin Menlove visits the RSUH

Darin Menlove visits the RSUH

On the 28th – 30th of March Deputy Director on International programs of the Berkeley University of California, Dr. Darin Menlove, visited the Russian State University for the Humanities.


Darin Menlove visits the RSUH

  On the 28th – 30th of March Deputy Director on International programs of the Berkeley University of California, Dr. Darin Menlove, visited the Russian State University for the Humanities.

 Darin Menlove visits the RSUH E.I. Pivovar and D. Menlove

  During the visit, Mr. D. Menlove presented the academic program s Summer School Berkeley for students of the RSUH. After telling about the university as a whole, D. Menlove represented specific academic programs and learning environment.

  It is important to note that speech is not about brief courses for foreign students studying in the U.S.A., but about full academic programs, which foreign students receive equally to American students.

Darin Menlove visits the RSUH Darin Menlove visits the RSUH

  Also during the visit Mr. D. Menlove met with lecturers from the English language Department of the RSUH. They discussed the possibility of further education for our lecturers, and it gave occasion to a cross-interest among lecturers of English.

Darin Menlove visits the RSUH

  The visit was completed by the meeting with the rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar. During the conversation, E.I. Pivovar and D. Menlove discussed the features of higher education systems in Russia and the U.S.A., as well as prospects for cooperation between our universities. At the end of the meeting E.I. Pivovar and D. Menlove signed a partnership agreement between the Russian State University for the Humanities and the Berkeley University of California.