RSUH is the member of the International Exhibition "Ekspolang-2007"

RSUH is the member of the International Exhibition "Ekspolang-2007"

The Russian State University for the Humanities took part in the International Linguistic Exhibition "Ekspolang", which took place in Paris since 24 to 27 of January, 2007.


RSUH is the member of the International Exhibition "Ekspolang-2007"

The Russian State University for the Humanities took part in the International Linguistic Exhibition «Ekspolang», which took place in Paris since 24 to 27 of January, 2007. The rector of the RSUH Efim I. Pivovar and vice-rector for research Dmitriy P. Bak presented our University at the biggest European educational-linguistic exhibition, directed to the development of the international education, studying and distributing foreign languages.

RSUH is the member of the International Exhibition "Ekspolang-2007"

"Ekspolang" – is the annual event, in which the diplomatic and cultural missions, educational institutions, educational and scientific centers, publishing offices and press agencies of different countries of the world take part. The heavy coverage of the exhibition in the European mass media and the participation of the well-known politicians, public and cultural figures, and also the chiefs of the leading universities from many countries in this event promote paying of attention to the centers of education and science, represented at "Ekspolang".

RSUH is the member of the International Exhibition "Ekspolang-2007"

In the framework of the beginning of the «Year of the Russian language» Russia acted as the guest of honor of the exhibition with the motto «The Russian language - is the first language of communication in the cosmos». The wife of the Russia’s president, Ludmila A. Putina, and ministers of Russia and France education – Andrey A. Fursenko and Jil de Robien opened the Exhibition. The leaders of the universities and scientific centers,  public and government funds, including MAPRYAL, ROPRYAL, Center of the development of the Russian language, leading universities from Moscow and St. Petersburg, universities of Kazan, Tomsk, Voronezh, Volgograd and other big Russian cities took part in the exhibition from the Russian side. The Russian participants of the exhibition had the goal not only to attract attention of the foreigners to the studying of the Russian language and native literature, but also to extend the cooperation with the foreign universities and scientific agencies.

RSUH is the member of the International Exhibition "Ekspolang-2007"

The rector of the RSUH Efim I. Pivovar represented the materials of the RSUH’s stand to Ludmila A. Putina and Andrey A. Fursenko. The scientific literature and study materials, released by the publishing center of the RSUH and devoted to the different questions of the international communication, development of the international cooperation, including the sphere of education, was exhibited at it.

Efim I. Pivovar and Dmitriy P. Bak took part in a number of conferences, seminars and circular tables, devoted to the innovative methods of studying of the Russian language as the foreign language, to the international cooperation of the universities, including universities of Russia and France, to the modern Russian culture. The meetings took place in Sorbonna -1, the National Institute for the eastern languages and cultures, The Russian center of science and culture. Dmitriy P. Bak came out with the report over the topic «History/Modernity: the borders of the concept in the Russian prose of 2000 years» at the seminar «Modern Russian literature and culture. New approaches in the scientific research and teaching».

RSUH is the member of the International Exhibition "Ekspolang-2007"

The exhibition demonstrated the significant growth of interest in Europe and in the world to the Russian language and culture, became the forward step in the strengthening of the international communication and cooperation between Russian and foreign educational institutions.