The colloquium in memory of E.M. Meletinskiy in San-Paulo

The colloquium in memory of E.M. Meletinskiy in San-Paulo

On the 8th - 9th of November, 2006 the international colloquium "Myth and literature" took place in Brazilian city San-Paulo, devoted in memory of the outstanding Russian scientist, philologist, one of the Founding Fathers and director of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities of the RSUH Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinskiy (1918-2006).


The colloquium in memory of E.M. Meletinskiy in San-Paulo

On the 8th - 9th of November, 2006 the international colloquium Myth and literature" took place in Brazilian city San-Paulo, devoted in memory of the outstanding Russian scientist, philologist, one of the Founding Fathers and director of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities of the RSUH Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinskiy (1918-2006). The event was established by the division of philosophy of the University in San-Paulo and the Catholic University – the higher education establishments, in which E.M. Meletinskiy lectured successfully. The reports, represented at the colloquium, concerned the researches and the scientific way of the scientist, his contribution to the science.

The RSUH was represented by the DLitt, deputy director of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities S.Y. Neklyudov, who came out with the report over the topic "From myth to literature: About life and scientific way of Eleazar Meletinskiy". Also the foreign specialists spoke at the colloquium: G. Pires-Fereira "Poetics of the myth in the Catholic University of San-Paulo: contribution of Eleazar Meletinskiy", A. Bernardini "Myths and archetypes in the Indian legend about Jurupari", B. Shneiderman "Meletinskiy: from the familiarity with the name to the meeting at the course of life".

Besides, on the 13 of November 2006 S.Y. Neklyudov came out with the lecture in the University of Rio de Janeiro, devoted to the research conceptions of Meletinskiy.

The scientific works of E.M. Meletinskiy are well-known in Brazil: his monographs ("Poetics of the myth", "About literary archetypes") and many articles are not only published in Portuguese, but are also included in the lists of literature over philological and anthropological disciplines, recommendable to the students and postgraduate students. The lectures, read by E.M. Meletinskiy in 1995 in the University of San-Paulo and the Catholic University, had such success, that in 1998 in the commemoration of 8th decennary of the scientist in Brazil was established the special conference "Mythopoetics: From Russia to America".

The scientific effort of E.M. Meletinskiy, appreciated at his true value not only in Russia, but also in Brazil, initiated the cooperation between the Russian State University for the Humanities and the University of San-Paulo. The international colloquium, which took place in San-Paulo, devoted in memory of E.M. Meletinskiy, became the one more step for the strengthening and development of this cooperation.