Rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar, visited the cultural and educational center of Kazakhstan - Almaty

Rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar, visited the cultural and educational center of Kazakhstan - Almaty

On the 5th and 6th of February the rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar, visited the cultural and educational center of Kazakhstan - Almaty for an official visit to Kazakhstan for the purpose to enter into cooperation in the educational area between the Russian State University for the Humanities and the public educational institutions of Kazakhstan.


Rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar, visited the cultural and educational center of Kazakhstan - Almaty

A series of meetings with representatives of the educational and expert structures of Kazakhstan had been held during the visit. The rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar met with the first vice-rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - the leading University in the Republic of Kazakhstan – Zulhair A. Mansurov. Following the meeting, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University as represented by the rector Tolegan A. Kozhamkulov and The Russian State University for the Humanities as represented by the rector Efim I. Pivovar concluded Association Agreement in accordance with the Declaration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on Eternal Friendship and Cooperation, signed on the 6th of July 6, 1998, in Moscow, and for the purpose of contacts expansion and the development of bilateral relations between Russia and Kazakhstan.

The basis of cooperation is the mutual interest in the further development of the academic partnership of universities of both countries aimed at improving the quality of education in different subject fields, including in the field of methodology and techniques for teaching political communication and journalism in the context of the imperatives of the Council of Europe in the educational system, and also creation of conditions for acquaintance and examination of language, history, culture, economy and political system of two countries by the younger generations in Russia and Kazakhstan that will serve mutual rapprochement and friendship between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the Agreement the cooperation will be implemented in the following areas: scientific and methodical, scientific exchange and practical training, the exchange of students. Thus, the parties will invite specialists from the other side for organized by them international conferences and symposia on issues of mutual interest.

The parties undertake to carry out the following activities: joint development of teaching materials, special courses, organization of conferences, round-table discussions, lectures, seminars, the club of friends of Kazakh and Russian culture, and other activities for research purposes; preparation for joint publications, organization of joint activities to prepare students, masters and doctoral students, young scientists on the topics agreed by the parties.

In addition, beginning with the 2007-2008 academic year, the parties will yearly exchange students and specialists (teachers), (including the area of teachers for lecturing and research work in a concerted theme; secondment of experts for a scientific and pedagogical internship).

A round-table discussion on "Educational reform in Kazakhstan and Russia: strategic resource" was also held at the Department of International Relations KazNU during the Russian delegation’s staying in Al-Farabi KazNU. The Dean of the Division for International Relations and the Dean of the Division for Journalism attended this activity from the Kazakh side. The problem of reforming the educational systems of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, the specifics of the transition to the Bologna system, a unified degree examination and other issues were discussed at the round table.

On the 6th of February a round-table discussion on "The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation: problems of integration in politics, economics and education" held in the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies. It was attended by representatives of academic state institutions and independent analytical centers of Kazakhstan and Russia, representatives of the Russian consulate, trade mission and journalists. The event was widely reported in the local mass media. On the Director of KISR, Bulat K. Sultanov’s invitation representatives of the Russian experts and scientific community took part in the round-table. The Russian side was represented by the rector of the RSUH, Director of IAC MSU Efim I. Pivovar and an expert of IAC MSU Natalya I. Kharitonova.

Russian and Kazakh scientists and experts noted in their speeches that the bilateral relations between Russia and Kazakhstan are developing dynamically, based on the community of interests on the widest range of issues and a solid base of Agreement and Law, which defines all areas of development of Kazakh-Russian relations in specific fields - political, economic, scientific and technical, cultural and humanities.

A special attention was paid to the development of cooperation in the energy sphere, as well as interaction in integration structures. First of all the matter was about improvement the partnership and alliance relations in the framework of the CIS, more profound cooperation in the framework of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), joint operation to create a Single economic space, interaction in the framework of the EEC (Eurasian Economic Community) and others.

A special attention was paid to the formation of a single educational space. Russian and Kazakh sides expressed an interest in qualitative transformation of the current scientific relations, in more intensive interaction in the framework of cooperation between the educational structures, the development of versatile contacts in the implementation of joint innovation projects.