International Conference "Russian-American relations in the past and present: images, myths, reality"

International Conference "Russian-American relations in the past and present: images, myths, reality"

On the 21st of February, 2007, an opening of the International Conference "Russian-American relations in the past and present: images, myths, reality" took place in the Hall of the Academic Council in the RSUH.


International Conference "Russian-American relations in the past and present: images, myths, reality"

 On the 21st of February, 2007, an opening of the International Conference "Russian-American relations in the past and present: images, myths, reality" took place in the Hall of the Academic Council in the RSUH. Within the two-day forum, organized by the Department of world politics and international relations of the RSUH, the Russian-American research center of the RSUH, in collaboration with the leading Russian and American universities, Russian Academy of Sciences, with support of the USA Embassy in Russia and the American Councils for the International Education a wide range of issues was considered; it concerned to the development of Russian-American relations in the XIX century and the first half of XX century, during the Cold War, as well at the present stage.

International Conference  International Conference

The commencement meeting of the conference was attended by ambassador of the USA in RF William J. Burns, the rector of the RSUH Efim I. Pivovar, the first vice-rector - vice-rector for Education in the RSUH Valery V. Minaev, head of programs of Kennan Institute, the Moscow office, Galina Levina, regional director for the ACTR-ACCELS in RF Joel Ericson, director of the Fulbright program in Russia Edward E. Roslof, director of the American Center in Moscow Marisa Fushille, philology professor of Northwestern University (Illinois) , an honorary doctor of the RSUH I. Vail.

Opening a welcome part of the plenary session, Valery V. Minaev thanked the organizers of the conference. He noted a representativeness of the event, in which members from the leading educational centres of Russia and the USA, the leaders of the international exchange programs took part; more than 30 reports were declared by the prominent Russian and American scholars - experts in bilateral relations.

International Conference  International Conference

Efim I. Pivovar said in his welcoming speech that the issue of Russian-American relations is one of the most actual problems for domestic science. The rector emphasized that the interest, shown to the conference by Russian and American colleagues, indicates the understanding by the two sides the importance of conception of the general historical experience. Efim I. Pivovar paid a particular attention to the fact that the RSUH has a long and close relationship with a number of American universities and it actively develops programmes for educational exchanges with its counterparts from the USA. According to the rector, American studies took a prominent place in a number of priority areas for research activities in the university. According to Efim I. Pivovar, the representative conference passing in the RSUH will be an impetus to the further effective cooperation of Russian and American scientists.

  International Conference International Conference

Mr. Burns expressed gratitude to the organizers of the conference, noting that the forum was an important element in the development of Russian-American relations at the present stage. In his speech, devoted to the 200th anniversary of the establishment of Russian-American diplomatic relations, he paid a special attention to the mutual interests and epigenetics of cooperation between the two countries. The ambassador noted that Russia and the USA have long experience of positive interaction in various fields. In his view, our countries, possessing great intellectual resources and considerable economic potential, are strategic partners, which have to combine their efforts in the face of the global challenges of modernity, such as international terrorism, the issue of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, the fight against infectious diseases and etc. Mr. Burns stressed that the relations between Russia and the USA should be based on the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation.

International Conference  

Galina Levina read a welcoming message from the director of the Kennan Institute Woodrow Wilson International Research Centre, Blair A. Ruble, had expressed a confidence that the conference would contributed to the growth of the mutual understanding between the two countries.

Joel Ericson, in his speech paid attention to the positive dynamics in the educational exchange between Russian and American universities. According to him, joint projects play a considerable role in intercultural interaction, as well as an incentive for development of different areas for research. 

International Conference  International Conference

Edward E. Roslof, also stressed the importance of the exchange of students and academic staff to improve relations between Russia and the USA. He highly appreciated the results of activity of the Fulbright program in Russia at the development of the exchange in the educational sphere.

Marisa Fushille noted that the most important component of bilateral relations is the knowledge and understanding of history and traditions of each other. According to her, Russia has a great interest in the history and culture of the USA, as evidenced by the organization of this conference in the RSUH.

International Conference  International Conference  

I. Vail, in his address briefly dwelt on the development of Russian-American cooperation, stressing that the peoples of our countries, even in the most difficult periods of bilateral relations sought to better know and understand each other. He expressed the RSUH the heartfelt gratitude for the organization of the conference, which, in his opinion, will enable to better understand the dynamics of the development of relations between Russia and the USA.

International Conference  International Conference  

The ceremony of presentation of the honorary doctorate diploma, HONORIS CAUSA, the RSUH to I. Vail, was held during the plenary meeting. Honorary Doctorate, HONORIS CAUSA, the RSUH was awarded to I. Vail in accordance with the decision of the RSUH Academic Council, in recognition of high merit in the fields of education, culture and international relations.

International Conference  

During the plenary meeting reports were read by deserved professor of history at the University of the State of New York L. Parsons, a professor of history at the University of Kansas N. Sol, the doctor of history, professor of MSIIR Vladimir V. Sogrin, doctor of history, professor at the Institute of the USA and Canada RAS Edward A. Ivanyan and professor of the RSUH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, director of the Centre "Europe-USA", Institute of Europe, RAS Oleg A. Grinevskiy. The reports were devoted to the history and the current state of development of Russian-American diplomatic relations, cultural and scientific relations, analysis of historiography’s experience, the experience of interaction and the prospects of cooperation between the two countries in the dealing with global security problems. The conference continued its work in the sectional mode.