A presentation of the Competition's project by Chinese language and culture "I have arrived to the Great China Wall"

A presentation of the Competition's project by Chinese language and culture "I have arrived to the Great China Wall"

On the 27th of June the presentation of the Competition's project by Chinese language and culture "I have arrived to the Great China Wall" took place in the Russian State University for the Humanities.


A presentation of the Competition's project by Chinese language and culture "I have arrived to the Great China Wall"

On the 27th of June the presentation of the Competition's project by Chinese language and culture "I have arrived to the Great China Wall" took place in the Russian State University for the Humanities. The program of the annual Competition for Russians, studying Chinese, was worked up by the Chinese-Russian Center of culturological investigations and cultural exchange attached to the Tsinghua University (CPR) and the RSUH in the context of the Agreement about the development of scientific and educational collaboration between Universities. A series of significant questions, consecrated to the development of Russian-Chinese business relations and prospects of the cultural interaction between two countries was discussed on the presentation of the project. Organizers of the Competition have presented Regulations about the joint project and told about facilities disclosing for its participants.

A presentation of the Competition’s project by Chinese language and culture

The rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar, opened the presentation. He mentioned that the conducting of the Competition would be a character event in the University's activity in the field of learning Chinese language, culture and traditions. Efim I. Pivovar stressed that many educational structures of the RSUH are engaged in sinology and he remind to participants of opening the Confucius Institute in the RSUH in autumn along with the legalization of the Competition's project. Also he expressed a hope of joint projects of Russian and Chinese Universities which could endow in development and consolidation of scientific and educational relations between countries.

A presentation of the Competition’s project by Chinese language and culture

A plenipotentiary Minister-adviser of CPR Embassy to Russia, Pay Uifun, emphasized that the RSUH actively participates in the conducting different arrangements, which are dedicated to learning Chinese culture. She reminded to the presents that the first Confucius Institute is opening just in our University. Pay Uifun thanked the leadership of the RSUH for the work in the field of the consolidation of international relationship between countries and wished good luck and profitable work for the Competition's participants.

The administration head of the international education and collaboration of the Federal educational agency of the Russian Federation, Nikholay M. Dmitriev, paid attention to Competition by Russian language that had occurred in 2006 in China besides different scientific actions, confined to the Year of Russia in China and it had attracted a high attention of community. Also he noted that one of the Competition's stages by Chinese language in Russia won't be carried out within the precincts of our University by accident. According to Nikholay M. Dmitriev during the last years educational-scientific centers by studying Chinese language and culture have been actively developing in the RSUH. They are interested in the henceforth strengthening of relationship between our countries.

A presentation of the Competition’s project by Chinese language and culture

Vice-rector for international activity of the RSUH, Irina V. Karapetyants, emphasized that the Competition's project had became a famous educational action. She marked that also the Competition was aligned on the decision of the series of practical problems. So, according to her, this action increases the circle of people, concerned in speaking Chinese; Russian economy and business require in such experts.

The chairman of the Chinese Businessmen Union in Russia, the President of the trade development and investment management Center in Europe Tsai Guizgu noted that the economical collaboration is on the high level between our countries today and strengthening of educational and cultural communication serve as the reliable base of the stable development of economics and politics.

A presentation of the Competition’s project by Chinese language and culture

The Head of the Center of the cultural investigation and exchange between China and Russia by the Tsinghua University Hu Syanchzgun thanked the RSUH for the initiative and support in the conducting of Competition by Chinese language and culture. He noted that the history of the bilateral cultural communication was wealthy and interesting between these countries. During the last years Russian-Chinese relations have come off by the new level. Today the world standard is not only building of the political relations with China, but comprehension of its specificity. In Russia the number of persons wishing to study Chinese language and culture increases, accordingly the necessity in high-professional scholastic personnel increases too.

Hu Syanchzgun noted the Competition that has produced so wide interest from the public direction will be conducted into two stages. The first stage will be hold in the RSUH and the final – in the Tsinghua University (CPR).

The first deputy director of the Humanitarian Institute by the Tsinghua University expressed the frank gratitude to the RSUH for the preparatory work in the conducting of the Competition. He stressed that Chinese is becoming a one of the most essential languages in the world.

The deputy director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS, Andrey V. Ostrovsky, marked that there are not so many people speaking Chinese in Russia, and pinned his hopes on the Competition that could give a stimulus to its mass studying.

The director of the eastern languages office of the RSUH's Linguistic Institute, Maria B. Rukodelnikova,  noted that the Competition is All-Russian and students not only from the RSUH but from other Institutes of High Education and also pupils could take part in it.