The session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities, devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary. "Leonid Mikhailovich Batkin and 1990-s".

The session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities, devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary. "Leonid Mikhailovich Batkin and 1990-s".

On the 29th of June there the session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities took place in the RSUH. It was devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary. He is a doctor of Historical Sciences, a theorist of literature, a culturologist, a public figure, a member of the Academic council in the RSUH, the author of more than 140 papers.


The session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities, devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary. "Leonid Mikhailovich Batkin and 1990-s".

On the 29th of June there the session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities took place in the RSUH. It was devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary. He is a doctor of Historical Sciences, a theorist of literature, a culturologist, a public figure, a member of the Academic council in the RSUH, the author of more than 140 papers.

The session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities, devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary.

The rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar congratulated the person whose anniversary was celebrated and noticed his invaluable contribution in the development of the Russian science and our University. According to the rector Leonid M. Batkin was notable for the professionalism, a scrupulosity in the research and scientific courage, which enabled him to become the expert of the world level at history and the culture theory. The rector denoted that the history of The Russian State University for the Humanities is intimately connected with L.M. Batkin's activity, who, working in our University since 1992, has became one of the "Founding Fathers" of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities.

 The session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities, devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary.

For this time he has been writing and publishing a great deal of brilliant treatises, incomer into the Gold fund of the native science and having become a pride of our University. Leonid M. Batkin, being a member of the Academic council in the RSUH, international editorial board of the "Arbor Mundi" magazine, takes an active share in the University life, in its organizational and publishing activities.

The rector of the RSUH stressed that the collective of the University is proud that Leonid M. Batkin is its member and hopes for the further favorable work of Leonid M. Batkin in the RSUH. Efim I. Pivovar wished Leonid M. Batkin to have robust health, unquenchable creative vitality and new scientific achievement.

 The session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities, devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary.

The Doctor of Historical Sciences George S. Knabe pointed the high value of Leonid M. Batkin's treatises for the world science. He reminded that in sum hundreds of papers and dozens of monographs were written by the hero of the day. According to George S. Knabe every Leonid M. Batkin's paper is differed by not only high quality of the scientific content, but also fine literary style.

The Doctor of Philological Sciences Mikhail L. Andreev accented that the focus of Leonid M. Batkin's interest is large in spite of his major subject that was the Renaissance. He paid attention to a vital part that was played by Leonid M. Batkin in ideological tempests of 80-90s, marked that Leonid M. Batkin was the only one expert by the Renaissance, who could create the intimate consistent conception of the Renaissance's comprehension.

 The session of the Institute for the advanced studies in the humanities, devoted to L.M. Batkin's 75th anniversary.

The Doctor of Historical Sciences, chair of the Department of History and the culture theory of the Division for art history in the RSUH, Galina I. Zvereva stressed that Leonid M. Batkin has become a pattern for many decades of his students in virtue of his investigative work.

Leonid M. Batkin thanked everybody for their kind words and congratulations concerning him, expressed thanks to his colleagues and students for years of favorable joint work.

In conclusion of the official part of the session members had watched and discussed Lev Anninsky's program release from the cycle "An outgoing nature" with the part of Leonid M. Batkin.