The RSUH entered the quantity of Institute-champions of the competitive federal project "Infrastructure modernization of the high institutions at humanitarian profile"

The RSUH entered the quantity of Institute-champions of the competitive federal project "Infrastructure modernization of the high institutions at humanitarian profile"

The Russian State University for the Humanities entered the number of 15th Institute-champions of the competitive federal project "Infrastructure modernization of the high institutions at humanitarian profile".


The RSUH entered the quantity of Institute-champions of the competitive federal project "Infrastructure modernization of the high institutions at humanitarian profile"

The Russian State University for the Humanities entered the number of 15th Institute-champions of the competitive federal project "Infrastructure modernization of the high institutions at humanitarian profile". The results of the competition were announced on the 5th of July, 2007, by the Federal agency for education and science.


The aim of the Federal project is a creation of catalogues for information resources of Humanitarian Institutes, united in the allocated system of catalogues for information resources of the high education.

The participation of our University in the State program appreciably raises the RSUH's status in the Russian Education System, and also it stimulates the development of the innovation constituent. Specifically, the RSUH's inclusion into the program will make the following possibilities:

-   to raise the research potential of the University,

-   to modernize material and technical basis of the University,

- to team up into the uniform system of network federal educational informational resources on the basis of the modern international and Russian standards,

-  to increase appreciably user's access of students and teachers to methodical materials,

-  to stimulate, including by means of implementation intra-university competitions, the initiative of the pedagogical staff at the creation of the modern methodological systems with the usage of the modern informational technologies,

- to activate the work at the realization of the scientific social-oriented programs and projects, having the applied meaning,

- to create conditions for the supply of the legal assistance of the University's intellectual products and developments.

Office for coordinating university's projects and programs is the coordinator of the project in the RSUH.

Creation and development of the electronic library in the RSUH will be one of the most important results of the project for the University. Educational and methodological publications of teachers in the RSUH, placing into the interuniversity electronic database are the main informational resources of the projects. There is wide spectrum of different educational, methodological and information-technical structures of the University will be used in the course of the project's realization.