Chinese Spring Holiday

Chinese Spring Holiday

On the 6th of March, 2008, a Chinese Spring Holiday took place in a Small exhibition hall of the RSUH. Visitors were greeted by the rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar.


Chinese Spring Holiday

On the 6th of March, 2008, a Chinese Spring Holiday took place in a Small exhibition hall of the RSUH. Visitors were greeted by the rector of the RSUH, Efim I. Pivovar. He thanked the organizers of the event, in the first place, the collaborators of the PRC embassy, representatives of the Entrepreneurs Union and the trade house "Druzhba". Noting that a close working contact has established between the RSUH and the PRC embassy, the rector hoped for the continuing of the cooperation of the RSUH with the largest educational and scientific centers of the PRC. 
Chinese Spring Holiday

Taras V. Ivchenko, director of the Institute of Confucius of the RSUH told about the Spring Holiday and its traditions. He noted that the Spring Holiday in China - is the first day of the New Year.
Performances of musical ensemble "Golden China", served Chinese folk music, took place during the Holiday; also Wushu holds were shown there. 
Chinese Spring Holiday

Taras V. Ivchenko presented discs about Chinese art and poetry of "Direct Media" press and suggested visiting the exhibition, which is located in the Small exhibition hall. The hall was decorated by paintings of the artist from Beijing, Du Kheng. All her paintings are made in the tradition of Chinese Painting "Gokhua." 
Chinese Spring Holiday

The making of traditional Chinese Holiday dishes - meat dumplings - was the final part of the Holiday. All comers could make meat dumplings, and then taste them.