RSUH students at the Victory Volunteers Civic movement, international section

RSUH students at the Victory Volunteers Civic movement, international section

RSUH students (Institute of History and Archives) were sent to the meet as representatives of the Moscow Regional Section of the “Victory Volunteers” civic movement. The meet took place July 15-19 as part of the forum “I am the citizen of Podmoskovye” in Volokolamsk, the event that convened 2000 volunteers from Russia and 22 foreign countries. 


The year 2020 has been declared by the Presidential Executive Decree the Year of Memory and Glory, so most of the events at the meet involved planning educational activities for the youth, learning to provide assistance to veterans and formalizing the general volunteer training standard.

Sergey Novikov, Director of the Presidential Directorate for Social Projects, Irina Plescheva, Minister for Social Communication of the Moscow Region and Olga Amelchenkova, Director of “Victory Volunteers”, spoke at the event expressing hopes that the Movement would keep on expanding.

The Forum organized speeches and presentations by a number of experts and state representatives, among which we can mention Dr. Malysheva, Dean of the Department of Archival Affairs and Dr. Kondratenko, professor at the Department of Modern Russian History.

In addition to the main topics and presentations, the Forum offered opportunities for learning about WWII, participating in various competitions, getting acquainted with the pertinent digital-space format, asking questions, etc.

We congratulate Mr. Molchanov, RSUH junior majoring in Political Science on making the top list of leaders of teams that participated in the Immortal Regiment Memorial March.