A session of the Academic Council of the RSUH on the eve of the new academic year

A session of the Academic Council of the RSUH on the eve of the new academic year

On August 29, a session of the Academic Council was held at the RSUH, where preliminary results of the 2024 admissions were summed up, the Code of Academic Culture and Ethics of the University adopted, the amount of the scholarship approved and awards presented to employees.

Acting Rector Loginov summed up the preliminary results of the 2024 admissions: "The total number of B.A. and M.A. students exceeds 19 thousand, which confirms the status of the RSUH as a serious, popular, and, very importantly, responsible institution of higher education."

The following faculty members were awarded letters of gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the development of international youth cooperation and the active involvement of students in the events of the World Youth Festival:

  • Alexander Bezborodov, Advisor to the Rector of the RSUH;
  • Irakli Bolkvadze, Advisor to the Rector for Youth Policy and Social Work at RSUH;
  • Maksim Balashov, Head of the Department for Work with Students;
  • Maria Glazova, Head of the Department for Organizational Work with Students at the Department for Work with Students;
  • Albina Davletshina, Head of the Department for Educational Work with Students.

The winners of the 10th All-Russian Competition "University Book - 2024" were awarded certificates of honor and diplomas.  They were:

  • Nadezhda Arkhipova, Director of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law, for the textbook "Personnel Management in the 21st Century";
  • Olga Pavlenko, Vice-Rector of RSUH, for the monograph "Pan-Slavism: Real and Imaginary: 1830-1860s";
  • Marina Zabolotnikova, Director of RSUH Publishing for high professionalism in the preparation of scientific and educational publications.

A commendation from the Steering Committee "OUR VICTORY" was given to the Advisor to the Rector Alexander Bezborodov for active participation in organizing and holding the International Historical Dictation on the topic of the events of the Great Patriotic War in 2024.

Members of the Academic Council voted and elected the heads of departments of RSUH, chairmen of examination boards for 2025 to conduct the State Final Certification of RSUH graduates in educational programs of secondary vocational education.

The creation of the department "Industry Economics and Corporate Management" was approved by the Faculty of Economics. The Council voted "aye" on the issues of implementing the educational program "Producer" and the program for the study of Altaic studies and Turkic peoples.

The Council of the RSUH established the amount of state academic scholarship for achievements in educational, academic research, social, cultural, creative and athletic activities.